Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wow, it's been a while!!!

Well, it's been since June since you've last heard from us... I know, I know...BAD MOMMY for not updating Mr. Carter's blog!
First, let me start by saying.... "WOW! I can't believe how much my sweet tiny baby boy has grown!" He is such a big boy now...after all, as of Monday, he IS 17 months old now! Can you believe it? Where has the time flown off too?
I know that most of the readers only care about seeing all of our pictures...because I do have a ton...but just a few updates:
Carter talks all the time! He loves naming off several of his family members...We are named pretty funny things right now... I am "Momma", Graham is "Deddy", He calls his Mazzie "Mommy", And he actually gets Poppie, Nana, and Papa right! He calls Uncle Chad (Unkie), but Carter pronounces it is Dah-Di. His Aunt Jessie is something to the extent of "Jetschi". Carter has a HUGE vocabulary! HUUUUGE! He makes all sorts of funny animal sounds, and most recently learned to spit...WONDERFUL! haha! We are a little behind in the tooth category…still only 5 and one of those just popped through about 2 weeks ago! He still stays with his Poppie everyday and has so much fun there! We constantly stay on the go…Every weekend is full of fun things to do…Fall being our favorite because of all the festivals!!! He is definitely 100 miles per hour when awake…no, let’s make that 150… He’s wild as a buck! What a blessing he has been to our family! I thank GOD for such a perfect little booger everyday…was I actually alive before Carter came along, because life is so much better with him in our lives!!! He’s simply the best!!!....

Now, on to the fun stuff! Of course, since I’ve missed so many months, I can’t include all of the pictures…there are just too many… But, here are several of my favorites!!! Love to all!!!!!

Now for the fun part!!!!

Carter's favorite thing in the world to do is go to Unkie's a play the drums... He looks like a natural!!!

Over the summer, we made SEVERAL trips out to Berry College to look around at the deer and spend some fun time outside! Carter even got to drive on one of our ventures!!! (Don't worry, we were on the gravel trail that takes you to Possom Trot...nothing dangerous!!!)

We even were able to pet the horses out at the stables...he LOVED the horses!!!

Later that day, we went to the lake...Carter loves to ride in the basket on the back of the golf cart! Here, he and Mazzie are waiting on Poppie to take them for a ride!

Our first haircut came a few months back! He was a angel the whole way through! I was so proud!

Just checking things out while Amber snips on the back of his hair!

See our new "doo".... He has a mohawk!!! It SOOOOO fits his personality!

Fall time has arrived!!! We're so excited! Myself and Mazzie took Carter to the apple festival in Ellijay a few weeks back! We had so much fun, but it was so cold. I thought this pic was beautiful of him! Can you believe how big?!?!?!

He loved the pumpkins at the pumpkin patch... He calls them "Pictuns"... SO CUTE!
They even let him ride the wagon with our pumpkins that they were taking to the car for us! Didn't we get some neat ones!!! Carter even had a few little ones of his own!
This is our most recent picture! Unkie killed a huge 9 point buck last week right at dark. When he went to Mazzie and Poppies to show them, we were there too! When we heard the news, we threw Cart in the car and went to see... Carter loved the deer! He was in his Jammies!!! So cute!
I hope everyone loved the post! Sorry I've been so bad about uploading! I will try to do better now!
Happy birthday to me by the way... Today is my 26th!!! But, I didn't get a good bday gift from Carter... We just got back from the doctor... He has strep throat, and really doesn't feel well! Please keep him in your prayers for a speedy recovery! Love to all!