Thursday, August 26, 2010

I'm back!!!!

So, I haven’t posted a blog lately, so you would imagine that I would have tons to say… well, I do…but, I haven’t uploaded the pictures to go with all of it, so I’m gonna stick to “we are having an awesome summer”!!!! Carter is just hilarious these days! Every morning that I wake up, I am embarking on a new adventure with this child. He definitely keeps us on our toes and never slows down. We are so blessed to have such a healthy child who NEVER takes a break. I just wish I could jar-up his energy and save it for one of the days when I turn 80!!!!

Summer is treating us quite well. We are constantly attending something fun and doing fun things around the house. Last night, Carter and I baked a cake…which wasn’t a good idea considering my dishwasher broke and then I had A TON of dishes to HAND WASH!!! This is 2010…I’m not supposed to be washing dishes by hand for goodness sake!!! Haha! We’ve been on several mini-trips that we LOADED in fun (more blog posts to come for those).

Carter has recently started back at “Poppie’s”. As most of you knew, Graham was laid off and keeping him everyday. Well, Graham is working at Temple-Inland now. We are very thankful for this job, due to it pays well, however, please keep us in your prayers. It could potentially be a dangerous environment, plus he will be working a swing shift…which is life changing for us all….We won’t be seeing as much of one another and there will be nights that I have to conquer staying alone… But, with your prayers and the Lord’s will, we will get through this journey as well and it will just become part of our lives.

So, this is it folks… Our recent lives bundled into a blog post... ENJOY!!!! And look for more soon!!!
One Sunday afternoon, it was soooo HOT! I went and bought Cart a slippin slide...and WE had so much fun!!! haha!
I joined in on the fun too...Plus, he had no clue what to do with it so I had to show him!!!

He thought it was hilarious that my big butt was attempting to go down this thing!!!

Fun times!!!
Also, back on July 22nd, it was “Mazzie’s” birthday!!!! Happy Happy!!!! Well, on the 21st, I had to chaperone two of our interns to a conference at Callaway Gardens in Pine Mountain, GA. I thought it would be great for Mom to come along with me and celebrate her birthday “Callaway style” for three days! We arrived on Wednesday to a beautiful room and had a GREAT stay until Friday. It was a great Birthday trip, huh Mom? Glad that you were able to go with us and I hope we can make this an annual trip! I love you Momma!!!!

Mom on her birthday at the Butterfly Gardens!!!

BEAUTIFUL picture of a butterfly in the gardens!!!

My interns...I LOVED having them this summer! They were GREAT girls!!!!