Thursday, February 26, 2009

My first post

Well, Carter is 9 months old today, and we are just starting a blog! My friend Candi has an adorable little girl that she shows off with her blog, so I thought "why not". Now, all our family and friends all over the globe can watch our little one grow up through the computer!

I can't believe how much Carter has already grown! We have our 9 month check up with Dr. Howard this afternoon. It seems like YESTERDAY that I was walking through the Emergency Room doors at Floyd hospital on Memorial Day morning to go up and get checked to make sure I was NOT in labor...Little to my surprise....I WAS! Happy Memorial Day, here comes your baby! haha! (5/26/08)

Carter has been SUCH a joy over the past 9 months. We had a few moments there in the beginning that were trying, frustrating, sad, etc.... It was so hard seeing him lose practically everything he ate because of his reflux...but since we had that taken care of....there hasn't been a better baby in the world, or more proud parents (but we were always proud, even when the times were trying)!

Carter never cries, always plays so well, and laughs and smiles constantly. His favorite thing to do is to talk on the phone to whoever will listen....and sometimes whoever will talk-at times he just wants to listen. He stays with his Poppie (my daddy) everyday while Mommy and Daddy work. They have a BLAST together and are always into something! :)

So, here starts our blog. I know you all could care less about the words, you just want to see the pictures. So, I will post a few pictures (NO WHERE NEAR the amount that has been taken of him) since day 1. Enjoy our past 9 months with our sweet baby boy, and look forward to the posts that will come.

3 days old.

One week old, what a sweet baby boy!

In Mommy's hand, one week old!

1 month, happy fathers day! With Nana, Papa, and Baby Cousin Cooper.

Happy Birthday Mazzie! 2 months old!

Game Day with Daddy! 4 months old!

Aren't they sweet? 4.5 months old.

Poppie and Carter with their shades on! 5 months.

As Elvis on Halloween!

And and elephant! With Cooper (puppy), Cam (Anikan (sp?) Skywalker) Uncle Drew, and Daddy!

6 months old...good morning sunshine!

6 months old...Christmas PJ's!

Waiting on Santa! 6.5 months old

Bass Pro Shops Santa Claus! 6.5 months old

(Mommy and her cousins and me and their babies)

My unkie Chad! (7 months)

The best present EVER!

Me and Cuz Coop! 7 months (Coop, 9.5 months)

Santa Came! Santa Came! Santa Came!

Look out our little Man! He is getting SO BIG! 8.5 months

3 Generations, 8 months old

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