Monday, April 13, 2009

Fun at Nana and Papas!

Fun at Nana and Papas!

Last Thursday, Mommy and Daddy took me to Nana and Papas. Daddy hung a screen door for them, and Mommy, Nana, Aunt Jessie, and I all played and had a good time.

Posing with Nana....

She also let me smell her new roses!
I also learned something new…that scares my mommy to death…

I LEARNED HOW TO CLIMB THE STAIRS! Aunt Jessie made sure I didn’t fall. I was so proud of myself. I even taught myself to get down. I would stiffen my arms and legs out and hold my head up so that I could slide all the way down on my belly! It was so much fun!

Look at me mommy!

I'm so proud!

Climbing high!

Thanks for helping me Aunt Jessie!

At the dinner table with Daddy

Thanks Nana, Papa, and Aunt Jessie for a fun night!

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