Wednesday, April 8, 2009

New Life, Flowers Bloom, Easter Time, and Bright Sunshine!

Well, what a weekend we had! Graham went on a camping trip with all the guys on his side of the family, as well as some friends, and Carter and I played a bunch while he was gone…

I started our kitchen project of painting and all of that, but between painting, sanding, scraping, stressing, and not to mention so much more stress (haha), we manage to get out and about a little bit!

Saturday morning, we all (mommy, carter, and Mazzie) went to breakfast and then to the mall. At the mall, we saw the Easter Bunny, and rode the train. Mommy and Mazzie of course did a little shopping too, but everything they bought just so happened to be for me!
Taking a break and playing "Patty-Cake" with Mazzie in the mall.

Carter Loves the Easter Bunny!!!
Mommy and Carter posing at the fountain with the floating eggs!!!
Look who's riding with Carter! It's Mazzie!!!!!
Choo-Choo! Bye Bye!
On our way home from the mall, Mazzie spotted some beautiful tulips that she thought we needed pictures of, so we stopped there too.

Beautiful Tulips at Berry College!

He loved grabbing onto the stems!

What a cute face!
Look what I got Mazzie!

Sweet picture!

They have the same look on their face!

I love this one of him leaning into my face!
On Sunday morning, we got a phone call from Unkie announcing that he was a new daddy-well, not technically…but his cat, Coal-Train, had kittens (can you tell by her name that Unkie thought she was a boy). So, of course we hurried as fast as we could to go see them. They were still damp when we got there so we knew that they weren’t but a few hours old! She had 7 baby kittens and they were adorable! They are all black, black and white, but one….it’s grey and white and our favorite! If anyone wants a kitten or two, they will be ready in 6 weeks!!!

While we were out at Unkies, we also blew bubbles for the first time ever!!! And, Unkie gave me a Tennis Ball!
Bubbles at Unkie's!
SUCH a sweet picture of the two of them!
Coal Train and Unkies new Kitties! There are 7 of them!
Carter touching a baby kitten!
Poppie and Unkie showing the kitten to Carter!
Daddy got home about 3:00, and at 4:00 it was off to Ridge Ferry Park for our Easter Egg Hunt with the church!!! This was my first ever hunt and I had so much fun. Mazzie brought me some blue ears to wear too!

We later stayed for the picnic and once again blew bubbles. I laughed so much because Mommy was blowing them in my face!
At the Church Easter Egg hunt with Daddy!
Sitting in the grass searching for eggs!
He loved shaking them...they had candy inside!
look what I got!!!!!!!!
ADORABLE ears and outfit from Mazzie!
Sweet Family picture!
Look at all his eggs!
I think this is my favorite picture of him of ALL TIMES!!!
Trying to eat the egg!
Laughing at mommy's bubbles!!!
After a few pictures with Mazzie and Poppie, we headed home and boy was I ever pooped from the big busy weekend!

Cute Poppie/Carter picture!

How sweet this is!

My sweet family!!!
I can’t wait for you to see our next post!!!!! Mommy, Mazzie, and I colored eggs last night! I fell asleep in the middle of all the action, but had a ton of fun!

Happy Easter Everyone! Love you all!

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