Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What a fun weekend!!!

What a GREAT fun weekend we had!!! It's will filled with lots of exciting things to do! On friday night, we headed to State Mutual Stadium (home of the Rome Braves) to watch a special friend play baseball-Charlie Culberson!- Charlie plays for the Augusta Greenjackets. They were in town playing the Braves and we were so excited about FINALLY getting to watch Charlie play. The last time that I was able to watch him was a couple of years ago when he was still in highschool. The baseball game was Carter's first game! He has SUCH a fun time watching the crowd and climbing on the railing...supervised, of corse! haha!

#5, Charlie Culberson!!!

Playing at third base. We had seats that were dead level with him. They were perfect! Thanks for the tickets Charlie!!!

Carter and Mommy posing with Charlie between games (it was a double header)

Carter's first game with our favorite player!!! There was no way we could cheer for the Braves that night!

Could you tell he was having fun???

Laughing and playing with Mazzie!

Even though Cart's eyes are closed, I still liked the picture!

Photo-op after the game. Charlie was getting ready to board the bus to head back to Augusta.

After such a fun Friday evening, we woke up Saturday with a family day planned. We had planned to stay at home all day and clean up the house while spending some QT together. Things don't always go as planned right??? We called Mom, Dad, and Chad and got them to meet us at Chic-fil-a for breakfast. Afterwards, we headed to Toys R Us to buy some formula and other neccessities, and since it is out toward Chad's house, we went for a visit. Mom and Dad were also there. We all pulled up chairs under the shade tree and sat and talked for about two hours. It was SO MUCH FUN and SUPER relaxing! The Ice Cream truck passed while we were sitting outside, so of corse, being the kid that I am, I ran them down and we all got Icee's and Ice Cream Cones! Later we headed home to go "swim" in Carters new pool...a birthday gift from The Canada's (THANKS!!!). We spent a while in the pool and playing outside, then the rest of the evening we just "chilled" at home. It was a great relaxing day!

Carter and Mazzie playing in his pool.

Me and Cart spending some fun QT together!
On Sunday, we had even more fun planned! We went to Charlie and "Bubba" Youngblood's house to go swimming. They are Chuck and Corley's parents (and in-laws). Chuck and Corley announced that they are going to have a baby and we are SOOOO excited for them. Carter can't wait for his new friend to be here either!

Swimming with Corley in his "too cool mushroom boat" float from Bubba.
Corley was squirting Carter in the chest with his Nemo squirt gun and he thought it was hilarious! Look at his face... He's laughing so hard!
So, this past weekend was fun, and boy do we ever have a fun one planned for the coming weekend. WE ARE GOING TO TENNESSEE! Our cousin, Steve, is getting married to Jamie and we are having a shower! I am so excited to get to go see all of my family... It's been since Christmas and I miss all of them so much! There will be lots of pictures to share because Carter has not seen his baby cousins, Eliza Grace and Kate, since Christmas....AND THERE IS A NEW ONE TO MEET TOO! Her name is Dalyn and she is just a week old! We can't wait to see her! We look forward to seeing all of our other family too... Allie, Josie, Alyssa, Blake, and all their mommies and daddies and grandparents, etc. etc. etc.... Hopefully Brody and Coltyn will be in town too! If not, maybe we can make a trip to their house soon!
Well, next week a new post will follow! Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Nooooo! Cart has a pool?! Emma almost bought him one almost exactly like that one except exactly like hers (if you've seen the pictures). But instead she opted for a shark one that squirts water. Let me know if you still want it (maybe for an extra one at Chad's or your parents' house), but if not, we'll unwrap it and take it back and choose something else for the little one year old booger :). We need to get them together soon. I know it's been hard to here lately because of the drama that those danged Alabamians insist on overcoming my life with, but it'll all be over soon :). Love ya'll to pieces, girly.
