Thursday, May 28, 2009


Well, Lately I haven't been able to post on the blog. My hard drive crashed so I lost everything... Pictures, programs, files, etc. YOU NAME IT!

Anyway, life in the Nash house has been pretty exciting. Below are three post that show some of the fun we've experienced.

Carter is now one....and guess what????? HE WALKS!!! He actually took his first step at the beach and now, a week later, hes pretty much on the go...TO EVERYWHERE! And the funny thing (literally) is that he laughs the whole time he is walking! It's so cute, but hilarious!

Another exiting moment, ALSO at the beach, CARTER'S FIRST TOOTH FINALLY BROKE THROUGH!!!! We were beginning to wonder if he would ever get one, and low and's here!

So, we've had lots of exciting moments lately, and I'm sorry for the late updates...but, now I've got things up and running again, so I can post all new stuff as it happens now!

We're all happy and healthy, and hope you are as well! Love to all!!!!


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