Thursday, May 28, 2009

Gulf Shores, 2009

So, from May 16th-23rd, Graham, Carter, myself, Mazzie, and Poppie all went to the beach! We visited Gulf Shores, AL and had a blast! We were so blessed to have beautiful weather while we enjoyed the company of one another! Wonderful memories were made and the trip will definitely be an unforgettable one!
I will start with my favorite pictures... Our typical beach family pictures!!!
My sweet blessed family!
How BEAUTIFUL is this baby boy!!!
Check out Carter... He is REALLY looking at his daddy!
My new favorite picture of us!!!

Our feet, our name!
Carter isn't looking, But I still like it!
Another of my favorites!

Now to the Candid pictures......
What a hotrod!!! haha! He wouldn't wear a hat, but the "doo-rag" worked just fine!
his first nap on the beach! (under the umbrella of corse!
Helping Poppie line his fishing rod!
I thought this was a beautiful picture of Graham and Daddy fishing. They had pretty good luck when the seas weren't too rough!
Graham fishing one morning
Carter loved morning beach walks
See...the excitement was just too much to handle!
Another of my favorites! Isn't he just GORGEOUS!!!
Carters highlight of the trip....THE POOL!
He splashed the whole time he was in! He just LOVED it!
Drying off with Mazzie in his shark towel!
Another "bad-boy" picture in that doo-rag!
I set the timer on the camera and managed to get a pic of all of us!
I liked this balcony family pic!
How cute are they! I can't believe how big my baby is getting to be!
Another of my fav's!
Sweet Mommy/Son picture!
Mazzie and Poppie-----Beach Bums!!!
So, before you go to the next pics, a story goes along with them! On our last day, Daddy found a HUGE shell bed of perfect shells and they were so big. We walked down (myself in my PJ's) to see what all we could find... WE HIT THE JACKPOT!!!!
Mazzie and Carter sitting on the beach while we dug for shells...
Graham and I digging! You wouldn't have believe how many there were!
You would have thought I won a million dollars! I screamed and jumped up and down! This was a huge conch shell!!!
Our findings....only a fraction of them though! We had so many more than the picture would hold!
As you can see, our beach trip was a blast! Hope you enjoyed!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Carter is precious! We need another date night soon. Courtney is in town this weekend! She and I will have to come by and see ya'll... if ya'll have time. Carter needs his birthday present from me! I didn't even tell Emma that she missed Carter's birthday party because of her stinkin', stupid Daddy. We'll pretend he's having another one when we see ya'll :). YOur beach pictures are BEAUTIFUL! You have such a beautiful family :). Miss ya'll and love ya'll tons!
