My first Mothers Day this year was the best! As most, if not all of you know, My Gran passed away last year, so I knew how hard this First Mothers Day was going to be on my mom... Therefore, what do good daughters do? They make it EXTRA special.
I planned behind mom's back a "Mothers Day Tea" at my house for she, all of her best friends, and their mom's and daughters! We had an ABSOLUTE BLAST!!! Big fluffy hats, fine china, food, and fun fellowship was all envolved.... the combination result: SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!! It was a success!
My guys....Carter, Daddy, Chad, and Graham all stayed in the kitchen helping me prepare food, and occasionaly I had their assistance in serving! I couldn't do it without them! What a fun day it was...
Mom, myself, Carter, and some REALLY SPECIAL girls at my house on Mothers Day for and afternoon Tea.
Myself (Terrible picture of me) and my baby on my first Mothers Day!!!!
Mom and I on a very special Mothers Day! Is her hat not just BEAUTIFUL!!!
On into the summer, we had ballgames to attend!!! Carter's big cousin Cam is playing T-Ball and he is GREAT!!! We had fun watching him play....I can't wait until we can watch Carter run the bases one day....Wait!!! Yes I can, time is moving to fast as it is! I don't want to rush it!
GO #12!!!! Cam is up to bat! On this one, he hit the coaches pitch...he didn't even use the "T"!!!
Carter and I at Cam's game! Notice the crutches in the background and the fact that we are having to sit on the ground...This was the day after I broke my foot!!! Glad all of that is OVER!!!
Does the names Hauss and Pee-Wee ring a bell???? Our dear ducks grew so fast!!!Release day arrived and we let them out at the lake beside my parents house. They really seemed happy and pecked the bottom of the lake over and over! Daddy, Momma, and myself made several trips the first two days to make sure that they were eating enough and to make sure they were still there. Unfortunately, on the third day, Pee-Wee was missing, but Hauss was still there.... We figured a dog or racoon or possum got Pee-Wee. However, it was extremely upsetting to return on the fourth day and find that something had got Hauss too... Unfortunately, our little ducks didn't make it! It was very disheartening, and I won't have ducks again.... They were fun while the lasted though, and Carter loved watching and playing with them!!!
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