Friday, January 22, 2010

Snow, Ice, Shadow Boxes, and Baby Layla!!!

Calling all blog followers!!! Good morning! I had a chance to upload a few pictures last night, so I thought I would send out a hello and tell you what is going on in the Nash world these days!!! Carter Lane is just growing and growing! I can't believe that in just 4 days my baby boy will be 20 months old!!! 20?!?!?!?!?!?!?! We aren't even in the teens anymore! How sad! Can we PLEASE invent a time capsule or learn how to freeze time at least???

Speaking of freezing... Rome got a little bit of snow last week which was lots of fun for those of us who NEVER see white! It was more ice than snow, but schools were closed for a couple of days and my office closed on Friday, which meant I had 2 long weekends in a row with MLK day being this past Monday. Needless to say, I've had a chance to spend some great quality time just Carter and I and we have had a blast!!! I've posted a few pictures below of the "damage" (yeah right) that Rome got with the ice and snow...

Isn't he just BEAUTIFUL!!! He loved being outside in the snow!

Mazzie and Poppie's lake froze over... we had to visit to see how cool it looked!

A picture of me and my little man... I was FREEZING!!!

Chip and Carter at the lake! This was right when the snow started falling, so there wasn't much on the ground yet.

The next morning, we woke up and noticed that the snow was starting to disappear. So, I bundled my little bundle of joy up and we went for a 4-wheeler ride in the front yard and even made a snowman!

Carter enjoying his ride!

Our snow man... Carter's first ever snowman! and Guess what... It's STILL in my freezer! haha! I couldn't EVEN think about letting him melt!!!
Now, let's put things in perspective... Our snowman wasn't as big as maybe you are thinking.... In the picture below, he is standing beside Carter on the ground to the left... See if you can find him!!!

See how small he is now???? HAHA!

Hope you enjoyed the above pictures!!! Now, something that I wanted to share with several of you family that are close to Daddy. For Christmas this year, I did the best I have ever done on Dad's gift... He's extremely hard to buy for and I racked my brain on something creative to do. Growing up, I don't feel that daddy's service time in the military has ever been recognized as much as it should have been. Therefore, I wanted to do something to acknowledge his service and to let him know that "I care and appreciate". So, with the help of mom, we rounded up his service uniforms, certificates, and pictures and I had some shadowboxes made of his stuff. A man that I work with has a contract with the military and makes these as a side job. Needless to say, he does BEAUTIFUL work. I was so pleased with the outcome and Daddy was absolutely speechless when he received his gifts. I have never done as good as I did this year, nor will I ever be able to top it! As you will see below, there is a picture of a shadow box containing a flag. The flag was flown in honor of daddy at the United States Reserve center at the beginning of December. It flew from Friday afternoon until Monday morning. Enjoy the pictures below of his Christmas present!!!
This box contains his uniform shirt, his Airborne Certificate, a picture of his division, and the button from one of his uniform hats.

This box contains his buret that he earned for I believe jump school. This piece is his favorite piece of all of his military items.

This box contains a uniform hat, a picture of daddy in uniform, his airborne certificate, a picture of his division, and the flag that flew in his honor.
I thought those of you that were close to daddy would like to see those items!
Lastly, new life has arrived! Our friend Chuck and Corley Youngblood had their baby yesterday, on Chuck's birthday! We are so excited that baby Layla Grey Youngblood is here! She and Mommy are both healthy! We can't wait to watch Layla grow and look forward to spending time with her! Congrats Chuck and Corley! She is BEAUTIFUL!!!

Layla Grey Youngblood. 6lbs 15 oz, 19.5 in long. 1/21/10, 2:27pm.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Wow! Can you believe it??? It's actually twenty-ten.....2010!!!! Time is flying these days! I think we are getting too busy for our own good, and sometimes we don't see the real beauty behind what is in front of us! Anyway, our New Years was a BLAST!!!

As most of you know, the TENNESSEE VOLUNTEERS played in the Chic-fil-a (peach) bowl in Atlanta on New Years Eve. We were fortunate enough to get to go thanks to my brother, Chad. We had an absolute blast! Mom and Dad kept Carter for us and my friend Candi was able to come along too! Pictures are below!

Have a great New Year!!!

Carter brought in the new year at Mazzie and Poppies! I thought this picture was adorable of him wrapped up in a fleece blanket!

Chad, Candi, Me and Graham at the game! We lost, but Go Vols anyway!!! (Is that GRAHAM wearing Orange????? Maybe he's switching from the Dawgs to the Vols!!!)

Carter relaxing in his chair on New Years day at Mazzie and Poppies!!!

Christmas 2009

Wow, what a WONDERFUL Christmas we had! Despite a virus traveling rapidly through our family, we were very blessed to receive all that we did and very blessed to have the love of one another! We spent lots of time with friends and family over the holidays but mostly, enjoyed the company of everyone at home. I could go into tremendous detail about the holiday, but I would assume it would take you a whole month to read about it all, therefore, let's get to the fun part!!! THE PICTURES!!!

The Friday before Christmas, we headed to Tennessee to spend the weekend with my paternal family! Luckily, we were able to see some snow and capture Carter's first snow moments! He loved walking around in it!!!

I loved this shot of him and his footprints behind him!

Carter "Mickey Mouse" in the snow!

On the next day, Saturday, we went to the Rutledge, TN parade!!! A new yearly tradition! Carter watched the parade from the back of my warm car... It was a very cute parade! They threw candy and toys to all the kids! We went home with lots of loot!

Carter playing with his cousin Eliza Grace in their matching shirts! Their shirts read "Mom's favorite gift"

Carter playing with cousins Kate and Josie and the Tennessee Stansberry Family Christmas Party!

He received so many gifts from the Stansberry Family. This was a Mickey Mouse book that Aunt Joann and Uncle Joe got for him.

On Christmas Eve night at Mazzie and Poppies!!!

Mazzie and Poppie bought him a big leather chair that he absolutely adores!!!

They also bought him a horse that he can ride himself!!!

The aftermath at Mazzie and Poppies!!! Oh how blessed we are!!!

To mention a few things that arrived from Santa's sleigh...Elmo's Restaurant, A shopping cart, Basketball goal and basketball, lots of books, color wonder set, handy manny doll, handy manny toolbox, bookbag filled with goodies, chuck the dump truck, elmo dancing gloves, train, wooden puzzles, pj's, drum set, and a blow up castle ball pit... There were lots more, but I can't remember it all! What a spoiled little boy!

I had to post a picture of this castle... So, "santa" thought that the castle was going to be about a 3x3, maybe a bit large...but NO.... It's HUGE! We have no where for it, and Santa didn't drop it off blown up, so daddy blew it up all night long! Needless to say, as soon as the new wears off, someone, or the church nursery, will be inheriting a ball pit!

Unkie and Carter checking out what all Santa brought!

Later on Christmas night, we went to Nana and Papa's for the Nash family Christmas! We had so much fun snacking and opening gifts over there too!

Drew, Tonya, and Cooper were opening Coop's guitar that we bought him here!

When we got home on Christmas night, Graham went to bed because of his virus, but a knock on the door brought a great surprise for us all! Carter's friend Emma had came over to see what Santa had brought... Emma brought her Mommy Candi, and her Mimi and Papa too! We had so much fun playing and visiting!!!

Just let me finish this by saying, if you are receiving this blog update, you are a very special person! You are very dear to our hearts and we only wish that you had an excellent Christmas and holiday season! We thank God daily for friends and family like you! May you be blessed, as we truly are! Love to all!


Halloween!!!! One of my favorite times of the year. USUALLY the weather is great and the leaves are beautiful but this year was definitely a different story... It was nasty and rainy!!! Carter was the cutest cowboy that I have ever seen for pumpkin day! And, of corse, as Mommy, I had to dress up along side of him! Despite the weather, we had such a fun day! We got ready at Mazzie and Poppies and then went to trick or treat Nana and Papa's house! There, we met up with Carter's cousins, Cam and Cooper, and his Aunt and Uncle, Drew and Tonya. We then traveled to Broad street for "Trick or Treat on Broad". It was cold and rainy so after visiting a few store fronts, we headed our wet selves back home to decorate the house for the evening trick or treaters and Mazzies. All in all, it was a great day!!! Below are some too cute pictures so you can share the experience...3 months later!!!

Carter was excited that he was a Cowboy! He also loved his "too cute" trick or treat bag that had a jack-o-lantern and his name on it!

And of corse, Mommy had to get a pic with her cowboy!
Carter and his cousins, Cam the Ninja and Cooper the skeleton!
Pulling up to a store front for some goodies!!!

Daddy pushing his cowboy so that mom could capture the moment!

"trick or treat"

Graham's brother Drew and wife Tonya with their little spooks!!!

We had super fun!!!