Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Halloween!!!! One of my favorite times of the year. USUALLY the weather is great and the leaves are beautiful but this year was definitely a different story... It was nasty and rainy!!! Carter was the cutest cowboy that I have ever seen for pumpkin day! And, of corse, as Mommy, I had to dress up along side of him! Despite the weather, we had such a fun day! We got ready at Mazzie and Poppies and then went to trick or treat Nana and Papa's house! There, we met up with Carter's cousins, Cam and Cooper, and his Aunt and Uncle, Drew and Tonya. We then traveled to Broad street for "Trick or Treat on Broad". It was cold and rainy so after visiting a few store fronts, we headed our wet selves back home to decorate the house for the evening trick or treaters and Mazzies. All in all, it was a great day!!! Below are some too cute pictures so you can share the experience...3 months later!!!

Carter was excited that he was a Cowboy! He also loved his "too cute" trick or treat bag that had a jack-o-lantern and his name on it!

And of corse, Mommy had to get a pic with her cowboy!
Carter and his cousins, Cam the Ninja and Cooper the skeleton!
Pulling up to a store front for some goodies!!!

Daddy pushing his cowboy so that mom could capture the moment!

"trick or treat"

Graham's brother Drew and wife Tonya with their little spooks!!!

We had super fun!!!

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