Friday, March 27, 2009

Having so much fun, don't know what to do with ourselves!!!!!

More excitement... So, as a continuation of St. Patty's Day, Mommy and Daddy thought after work they should take me to the mall and to see my Unkie Chad!!!
So, last week, Graham and I took a trip to the mall to grab pizzas and let Carter ride the train. Of corse, we picked the green car, because after all, we had to be festive!!! It was Carter's first time ever riding the big loud choo choo, but he had a blast! The "engineer" made up this cute story that we were going to the south pole where it was cold... He took us to the very end of the mall where there are some furniture stores. In the stores they had a reindeer brass decorative piece so he started with the make believe... he asked if we saw the reindeer, then the penguin, then the polar bear, and so on and so one. We were going in circles and he acted as if the steering was stuck and we may fall off track. It was really cute, and I must say sweet of the little elderly guy to care enough to make up a story to accentuate our ride! It was so cute seeing Carter look around and smile at everyone we passed. Most of the time he had this stunned look on his face like "oh my gosh, am I really riding a REAL train?". haha! He sat in my lap and gripped onto the edge with all he had. It was so cute. We plan to ride the train frequently. After all, it was only $1.00 for Carter and $2.00 for me! Now, seriously, where else can you go and have THAT MUCH FUN for $3.00. Then, you can walk right on down and ride the carousal for just $2.00 more! WOW! AND a free playground...which we aren't old enough for yet! But, those days will come! Lots of fun at the mall people! haha!
Check out the grip that he has on the train!

He was checking out the engine in this shot!

Pulling away now "Wait, why isn't my daddy coming with us?"

Having a blast....CHUG A LUGGA, CHUG A LUGGA, CHOO CHOO!!!!!

Look at that face!!!!

Hi and Bye Daddy! We're headed to the South Pole!!!
After such an exciting trip at the mall, we picked up our pizzas (DELICIOUS) from Milanos and headed right down the road to Unkie Chad's house. We always have so much fun there. There aren't any baby toys, so we get to play with the stuff that we prefer much more anyway! Remotes, tennis balls, big footballs, the kitty cat, Unkie's sunglasses, etc. etc. etc. We had a great dinner, played in the floor, "wollared" (is that country enough for ya) all over Unkie, and went right to sleep....which lead to us waking up when we got home and not going to sleep until 4:00am....Mommy was pooped the next day!!!!! So, check out our fun times at Unkies!

Playing with Unkies REAL big football... I'm going to be a linebacker one day! FOR THE TENNESSEE VOLUNTEERS (GO VOLS!!!!), but we won't tell daddy until that time gets here!

Can you tell I'm having a blast????

I had so much fun, I pooped out.... Gone for just a couple hours...getting my power nap at Unkies...he's taking one with me! Notice all my tennis balls that I had so much fun rolling back and forth to Unkie!
So, on Saturday I was in my friend Haleys wedding. Needless to say, Graham and I attended the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner on Friday night. Carter got to spend the night with Mazzie and Poppie that night. On our way to the rehearsal, we had a few pictures made. We didn't even notice it, but we all were wearing blue, black, and white! We had to take the PHOTO OP!

Our sweet family. I love my guys!!!

Since the "C-Man" has came into the picture, mommy and daddy don't get many pictures of just the two of them anymore! :) But that is okay. They aren't nearly as cute when the main attraction isn't in them!

Another sweet family picture!!!
Lastly, on the way out the driveway to head to the rehearsal, one of mommy's best friends pulled in with one of Carter's best friends! CANDI AND EMMA!!!!! Emma's Mimi was with them too. Candi was in town from spring break. We were so excited that we got to visit for a split second. We miss them so much and wish we could see them more often! Emma was born on Veterans Day so she is approaching 5 months now. Carter turned 10 months yesterday, so they aren't too far apart! They are really big buddies! haha! (how funny, they've literally only seen each other twice I think....but, we will make sure that they become just as close as Candi and I)
Candi, Miss Emma, Casey, and Mr Carter!

WAIT! That is my Poppie! Get your hands off of my Poppie!!! haha! Just kidden! Carter was sweet and let his Poppie enjoy Emma for a minute too. She loves her fingers! It was great seeing the three of them!
So, I hope you enjoyed this super long post! More to come soon.... Some very special people gave Carter a wagon and a rocking chair a few weeks ago, so we MUST post the sweet pictures of him enjoying his two new things! Those will follow!!!
We have a big week coming up. Mommy is judging cheerleading tryouts tonight, we have Easter pictures and beach pictures made by Chris tomorrow, Mommy and Aunt Tonya are giving Aunt Jessie a bridal shower in the morning, and our friends Chelce and Chad are getting married tomorrow evening. Then Sunday, mommy has bunches of school work to get caught up on, and daddy will spend the day packing after we go to church. He leaves Wednesday or Thursday for his annual camping trip with Papa, Uncle Drew, Uncle Michael, and several other family and friends... So, we will have a fun week, but very busy! Talk to you all soon!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Kiss me, I'm Irish.....Not really! :)

Happy St. Patty's Day everyone! Well, here in Rome, we are all decked out in green! We have to stay away from all those pinches! Thought I would share a few pics of this morning before leaving Carter with Poppie and heading to work. We had Cart all decked out in his green for his FIRST ST. PATTY'S DAY! Happy first, Carter! :) Below are the pictures. Enjoy!

I thought he was just beautiful in this picture. His smile is adorable!

Check out his lip.... We have our first crawling boo-boo. He did a face dive into the rug and skinned his lip. He is still cute though, haha!

Check out his bib. It says "Baby's First St. Patricks Day"....Thanks "Aunt Lori".

I'm just obsessed with the plaid this year. I have already bought him 4 pairs of shorts for the summer!

Cute Generation Picture!

Carter liked his Mazzie's Shamrocks on her head!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Just a swangin'

Hi everyone!!!In Beech Creek we are just a swangin' now!!! Carter got a new swing and we hung it in the backyard last week! He absolutely loves it. With the warm weather last week, he got to swing three days in a row. Now that spring is on the way, Carter and his Daddy and Mommy plan to swing everyday after work and go on a walk around the neighborhood as long as it is good weather (go away rain)....gotta get in shape for summertime! :)

We took pictures of the big "first time swinging" event... They are too cute. Thought I shouldn't pass up the opportunity to share such cute photos!

Graham and I, and so many more in the family, are really enjoying our baby boy! He is such a ham and just laughs and shows out all the time.... Speaking of showing out, guess who started crawling this weekend? CARTER!!!!!!!!!!!! He's already all over the house too! We have a carpet burn on our lip from face diving into the new rug, but that didn't stop us at all! haha! I'm so excited for Carter because he is so excited about crawling, but I also want to cry! When is this growing stuff going to end and my baby boy stay a baby boy? NEVER? WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? AHHH! :) I can't stand watching him grow so much! I was holding him the other day, and said "Carter, Mommy used to fit your WHOLE body on my forearm and carry you around. You've grown do much that only your torso fits on my forearm now!" Oh, and another surprise from that turkey...I walked into the kitchen the other day to lay everything out of the table that we had to take to Poppies, and when I returned to get Carter up and ready, he was STANDING in his crib holding on and jumping up and down....LAUGHING! It was SUCH a weird feeling...I first had a sense of panic, but then laughed, and then thought I would cry. I just don't like this growing up stuff! But hey, I still act like a kid, so I guess that proves I don't like the growing up stuff. I'm refusing to do it myself! haha!

Now that I have written a novel, enjoy the swinging pictures!
When we first started...he was laughing so hard!
My favorite! He was having so much fun!
Still smiling...
Getting more and more comfortable and used to this!
He's figured out that he thinks he's supposed to squint because of the flash! haha!
Thanks for hanging my swing daddy!
"Now listen Mom and Dad, you two better swing me higher!"
It scared him when I stopped him for a photo op! Look at that face!
Once again...his signature-the tongue!!!!

Coosa Valley Photo Pictures

So, these pictures are a little older, but I had to put them on here! I'm a little behind, but it never hurts to post.... He's about 8 months old in these! I thought that they were just too cute not to share, and I'm just having time to do it! These pictures were taken by Chris at Coosa Valley Photography. If anyone is considering a "photo op" soon, you should really give him a call. He does EXCELLENT work, as you can see! He's done our wedding pictures, engagement pictures, as well as many, many more!!! Check his website out... You will be so impressed! Not only are the shots great, but he can do some wonderful things through the world of editing.... you will see one edited shot below! It's just GORGEOUS!!!
Okay, so enough about me an Chris right? haha! Let's get to the main focus....CARTER! Wait, is there anyone else in the world BUT him? haha! That is all it seems there is!
He sticks his tongue out ALL THE TIME!
There is another shot with that tongue! :)

I loved this... It was more a candid. We were in the process of changing his clothes and Chris snapped this one...I thought it was too cute though!

Is this the cutest face or what?

I loved the drool here! haha!

Sweetest picture EVER!

What a michevious grin! :)

We took advantage of a photo op! Mazzie and Mommy had to have their pictures made with him too! We loved that he was waving here!
Mommy loves you Carter!!!

Edited photo...BEAUTIFUL!

He looks like SUCH a little man!

Put that tongue up silly boy!

Loving on the giraffe!

I think he was laughing in this one...

At the beginning of the shoot. He wasn't quite sure what was going on yet!