Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Kiss me, I'm Irish.....Not really! :)

Happy St. Patty's Day everyone! Well, here in Rome, we are all decked out in green! We have to stay away from all those pinches! Thought I would share a few pics of this morning before leaving Carter with Poppie and heading to work. We had Cart all decked out in his green for his FIRST ST. PATTY'S DAY! Happy first, Carter! :) Below are the pictures. Enjoy!

I thought he was just beautiful in this picture. His smile is adorable!

Check out his lip.... We have our first crawling boo-boo. He did a face dive into the rug and skinned his lip. He is still cute though, haha!

Check out his bib. It says "Baby's First St. Patricks Day"....Thanks "Aunt Lori".

I'm just obsessed with the plaid this year. I have already bought him 4 pairs of shorts for the summer!

Cute Generation Picture!

Carter liked his Mazzie's Shamrocks on her head!

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