Monday, March 16, 2009

Just a swangin'

Hi everyone!!!In Beech Creek we are just a swangin' now!!! Carter got a new swing and we hung it in the backyard last week! He absolutely loves it. With the warm weather last week, he got to swing three days in a row. Now that spring is on the way, Carter and his Daddy and Mommy plan to swing everyday after work and go on a walk around the neighborhood as long as it is good weather (go away rain)....gotta get in shape for summertime! :)

We took pictures of the big "first time swinging" event... They are too cute. Thought I shouldn't pass up the opportunity to share such cute photos!

Graham and I, and so many more in the family, are really enjoying our baby boy! He is such a ham and just laughs and shows out all the time.... Speaking of showing out, guess who started crawling this weekend? CARTER!!!!!!!!!!!! He's already all over the house too! We have a carpet burn on our lip from face diving into the new rug, but that didn't stop us at all! haha! I'm so excited for Carter because he is so excited about crawling, but I also want to cry! When is this growing stuff going to end and my baby boy stay a baby boy? NEVER? WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? AHHH! :) I can't stand watching him grow so much! I was holding him the other day, and said "Carter, Mommy used to fit your WHOLE body on my forearm and carry you around. You've grown do much that only your torso fits on my forearm now!" Oh, and another surprise from that turkey...I walked into the kitchen the other day to lay everything out of the table that we had to take to Poppies, and when I returned to get Carter up and ready, he was STANDING in his crib holding on and jumping up and down....LAUGHING! It was SUCH a weird feeling...I first had a sense of panic, but then laughed, and then thought I would cry. I just don't like this growing up stuff! But hey, I still act like a kid, so I guess that proves I don't like the growing up stuff. I'm refusing to do it myself! haha!

Now that I have written a novel, enjoy the swinging pictures!
When we first started...he was laughing so hard!
My favorite! He was having so much fun!
Still smiling...
Getting more and more comfortable and used to this!
He's figured out that he thinks he's supposed to squint because of the flash! haha!
Thanks for hanging my swing daddy!
"Now listen Mom and Dad, you two better swing me higher!"
It scared him when I stopped him for a photo op! Look at that face!
Once again...his signature-the tongue!!!!

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