Thursday, May 28, 2009


Well, Lately I haven't been able to post on the blog. My hard drive crashed so I lost everything... Pictures, programs, files, etc. YOU NAME IT!

Anyway, life in the Nash house has been pretty exciting. Below are three post that show some of the fun we've experienced.

Carter is now one....and guess what????? HE WALKS!!! He actually took his first step at the beach and now, a week later, hes pretty much on the go...TO EVERYWHERE! And the funny thing (literally) is that he laughs the whole time he is walking! It's so cute, but hilarious!

Another exiting moment, ALSO at the beach, CARTER'S FIRST TOOTH FINALLY BROKE THROUGH!!!! We were beginning to wonder if he would ever get one, and low and's here!

So, we've had lots of exciting moments lately, and I'm sorry for the late updates...but, now I've got things up and running again, so I can post all new stuff as it happens now!

We're all happy and healthy, and hope you are as well! Love to all!!!!


Happy First Birthday Baby Boy!!!!

Howdy Partners! Can you believe it? Our little baby boy has turned a year old! If you'll remember, he was born last year on Memorial Day! This year his birthday was on Tuesday (May 26th, 2009) We celebrated by inviting several friends to a Cowboy/Cowgirl birthday party that we had on Sunday, May 24th! We had so much fun playing with our friends and eating Pizza, Cake, and Icecream!!!
Carter's highchair...with two big birthday balloons!

The party favors! Everyone got a hat and a "stash sack" filled with goodies!

Carter's first birthday cake that I made for him. A boot, with a sunset!
This second cake was a "just in case" cake...(just in case we didn't have enough for everyone-haha)

Carter getting his own cake. It was chocolate on chocolate, and had a cowboy hat on top and a number 1 candle!!!!

At first, he wasn't sure what to do....

But it didn't take him long to warm up! Check out his arms...he was up to his elbows in chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Carter loves his Unkie!!!

Playing with the beachball with Papa on the gym floor!!!!

Carters friends Heidi (left) and Presley (right). Heidi is my friends Justin and Ashley's daughter and Presley is my friends, Chelce and Chad's daughter.

Carter's friend Landon smiling in the "Wanted" sign. Landon is my friend Courtney's son.

Carter's cousin, Cam, playing "Pin the tail".

Cousin "Coop" taking his turn with the Pinata.

Carter's friend Rylee hitting the pinata. Rylee's mom and dad are Jason and Cassie, two of our good friends!

Carter of corse has his turn too! Nana helped him!!!

The pinata busted!!! Candy and toys were everywhere!

Thank you Nana and Papa for my Walk n' Ride!

Carters 4wheeler from mommy and daddy!

Thank you Mazzie and Poppie for our Handy Manny tray, wheelbarrow, and folding chair!!! CARTER LOVES HANDY MANNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We had a blast at the party and it was overwhelming at all the gifts he received! It looks like Christmas at our house now! Thank you to the following for the gifts...
Aunt Jessie and Uncle Michael- 2 Georgia Bulldog shirts (but, GO VOLS!!! haha)
The Wilkins- Push Lawnmower
Cam/Coop/Uncle Drew/Aunt Tonya- Activity Play Set and Play Chain links
Rylee- Ball Popper
Landon-John Deere Tractor
The Canadas-Jungle Swimming Pool
Presley- Mickey Mouse PJ's and Xylephone
Heidi-V-Tech Turtle Laptop
Nana and Papa- Walk n' Ride
Chuck and Corley- Swimming Trunks and a Guitar
Mazzie and Poppie- Handy Manny Tray, Chair, and Wheelbarrow
Unkie-Money, that purchased a Cozy Coup, a tag for the Cozy Coup, and A "Slow-Kids at play" sign for the driveway
Mommy and Daddy-Kawasaki Powerwheels 4Wheeler

Gulf Shores, 2009

So, from May 16th-23rd, Graham, Carter, myself, Mazzie, and Poppie all went to the beach! We visited Gulf Shores, AL and had a blast! We were so blessed to have beautiful weather while we enjoyed the company of one another! Wonderful memories were made and the trip will definitely be an unforgettable one!
I will start with my favorite pictures... Our typical beach family pictures!!!
My sweet blessed family!
How BEAUTIFUL is this baby boy!!!
Check out Carter... He is REALLY looking at his daddy!
My new favorite picture of us!!!

Our feet, our name!
Carter isn't looking, But I still like it!
Another of my favorites!

Now to the Candid pictures......
What a hotrod!!! haha! He wouldn't wear a hat, but the "doo-rag" worked just fine!
his first nap on the beach! (under the umbrella of corse!
Helping Poppie line his fishing rod!
I thought this was a beautiful picture of Graham and Daddy fishing. They had pretty good luck when the seas weren't too rough!
Graham fishing one morning
Carter loved morning beach walks
See...the excitement was just too much to handle!
Another of my favorites! Isn't he just GORGEOUS!!!
Carters highlight of the trip....THE POOL!
He splashed the whole time he was in! He just LOVED it!
Drying off with Mazzie in his shark towel!
Another "bad-boy" picture in that doo-rag!
I set the timer on the camera and managed to get a pic of all of us!
I liked this balcony family pic!
How cute are they! I can't believe how big my baby is getting to be!
Another of my fav's!
Sweet Mommy/Son picture!
Mazzie and Poppie-----Beach Bums!!!
So, before you go to the next pics, a story goes along with them! On our last day, Daddy found a HUGE shell bed of perfect shells and they were so big. We walked down (myself in my PJ's) to see what all we could find... WE HIT THE JACKPOT!!!!
Mazzie and Carter sitting on the beach while we dug for shells...
Graham and I digging! You wouldn't have believe how many there were!
You would have thought I won a million dollars! I screamed and jumped up and down! This was a huge conch shell!!!
Our findings....only a fraction of them though! We had so many more than the picture would hold!
As you can see, our beach trip was a blast! Hope you enjoyed!!!!!!!!!

Quick update...

So, it's been so long since I last updated... Here are just a few quickies of the things that have gone on in the last couple of months...

My first Mothers Day this year was the best! As most, if not all of you know, My Gran passed away last year, so I knew how hard this First Mothers Day was going to be on my mom... Therefore, what do good daughters do? They make it EXTRA special.

I planned behind mom's back a "Mothers Day Tea" at my house for she, all of her best friends, and their mom's and daughters! We had an ABSOLUTE BLAST!!! Big fluffy hats, fine china, food, and fun fellowship was all envolved.... the combination result: SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!! It was a success!

My guys....Carter, Daddy, Chad, and Graham all stayed in the kitchen helping me prepare food, and occasionaly I had their assistance in serving! I couldn't do it without them! What a fun day it was...

Mom, myself, Carter, and some REALLY SPECIAL girls at my house on Mothers Day for and afternoon Tea.

Myself (Terrible picture of me) and my baby on my first Mothers Day!!!!

Mom and I on a very special Mothers Day! Is her hat not just BEAUTIFUL!!!

On into the summer, we had ballgames to attend!!! Carter's big cousin Cam is playing T-Ball and he is GREAT!!! We had fun watching him play....I can't wait until we can watch Carter run the bases one day....Wait!!! Yes I can, time is moving to fast as it is! I don't want to rush it!

GO #12!!!! Cam is up to bat! On this one, he hit the coaches pitch...he didn't even use the "T"!!!

Carter and I at Cam's game! Notice the crutches in the background and the fact that we are having to sit on the ground...This was the day after I broke my foot!!! Glad all of that is OVER!!!

Does the names Hauss and Pee-Wee ring a bell???? Our dear ducks grew so fast!!!Release day arrived and we let them out at the lake beside my parents house. They really seemed happy and pecked the bottom of the lake over and over! Daddy, Momma, and myself made several trips the first two days to make sure that they were eating enough and to make sure they were still there. Unfortunately, on the third day, Pee-Wee was missing, but Hauss was still there.... We figured a dog or racoon or possum got Pee-Wee. However, it was extremely upsetting to return on the fourth day and find that something had got Hauss too... Unfortunately, our little ducks didn't make it! It was very disheartening, and I won't have ducks again.... They were fun while the lasted though, and Carter loved watching and playing with them!!!

Pee-Wee and Hauss on release day!!!

In our bathtub, a few weeks prior to release day.

Carter at the lake! He loves smiling for pictures now!

They were so happy in their new home!

We couldn't believe how quickly they grew!!!