Thursday, February 18, 2010

Just make it a snow day!!!

So, Friday brought about 4 inches of snow to Rome and we were ecstatic about it!!! Considering that this was the most snow that I have seen since the Blizzard of 1993, it was GREAT and I loved it!!!

Friday night, we headed out to Chad's to join in on a snowball fight that personally, i thought no one but myself could win!!! haha! I was actually wrong...there were some pretty tough cookies and fierce competitors out there! :)

Mom and Dad later came out and played with us for a little while too!

We had so much fun!

Thank you Lord for such BEAUTIFUL snow and the opportunity to enjoy one another!!!

Chad and his girlfriend, Jennifer (we love her!!!), snuggling for a cute Valentines Snow Picture!

Carter riding the cooler at Unkies...haha!

He loves this thing! He calls it his "truck"!!!

Helping him ride!

"Look Mommy, all by myself"!!!

We were having SOOO much fun!!!

Chad, Jennifer, and Carter in the snow! ( I love the snowflakes in the pictures!)

One of my favorite pictures... Check out the snowball that Graham is about to nail Chad and Jennifer with!!! The were clueless about it too~ Priceless picture!

He loves his Unkie!

What a cute Snow bunny!

:) I think he would have stayed out in it until he turned into snow himself....

The wonderful snowball fight... Brother/Sister love...Here I'm crashing a snowball over Chad's head!!!
Okay, before you go on... I can't believe that I am going to share this... but, it's too good not to...
After the snowball fight, we were all soaking wet...and out at Chad's I didn't have any extra clothes... So, I asked mom to go back to Chad's room and get me some pajama pants. She comes back and says "I couldn't find any, but here, just put these on and throw your jeans in the dryer".... Can you believe she brought these to me...... His HOLEY LONG JOHNS!!!
Stylin and Profilin huh???? haha!

The next day, Chad and Jennifer made male/female snowmen...

1 comment:

  1. Amazing pictures! And yes, the one where they're about to get nailed with the huge snowball by Graham IS priceless :). I love the snowflakes in the pictures, too!

    P.S. You do need to see my hair! BUT it won't be as dark as it was for long - Mommy just pulled my hair through the cap and we're currently lightening it up with some highlights. Haha! I just can't get it right. Also, Emma needs to see Carter! She loves her some Carter, and I know she's been missing him :). Play Date soon?

    We love y'all!
