Friday, February 12, 2010

WOW!!! How much FUN!!!

We have been having SOOO much fun lately here in Rome. There have been so many fun events to attend, and we've just found a way to make everything fun anyway, no matter what the case! It looks like this weekend is going to bring lots of fun too because right now, I am sitting at my window looking out at the snow coming down REALLY HARD! It's been snowing about 30 minutes and the ground is already pretty much covered! Let it snow, let it snow!!! YAY! I wish it would snow 5 feet (not really huh, Sarah?!?!?!) My friend Sarah lives up north and they have received a TON of snow lately...I'm sure she is sick of it! (loves to ya girlie!!!)

So, Valentines Day is coming up!!! Carter has goodies for all of his grandparents! He loves giving out prizes!!! I went today an played Cupid at lunch and bought him some new clothes! I purchased a Pink polo, Black long sleeve button up to go underneath, a matching tie, and grey shoes! They are adorable! He's gonna get them on Valentines Day and I would bet that he will be the cutest kid at church that morning! He will also be getting chocolate, a card, and a toy from his dad and myself. We love spoiling him!!! :) Below is a picture of what he will be wearing!!! HAHA!

So, below are some pictures of some cute events that have happened recently! Enjoy!!!

Check us out on a Saturday morning! After a fun breakfast at Chic-fil-a, it's off to the grocery store for our weekly run!!! On this particular trip, we decided to visit the West Rome IGA instead of our frequent Walmart! Needless to say, it was a hit with Carter because look at what he got to drive while we shopped!!!!

Can you tell this kid is having a BLAST!!! What a sweet Daddy to push the "hooptie" around the store!!! Check out Carter's face! He's grinning from ear to ear!!!

A few days later, we went to visit Unkie because he called and said that he had a surprise for Carter!!! (He sure does love his nephew) When we got there, boy did he ever have a surprise... It was an AWESOME cooler with a scooter attached, therefore you actually RIDE THE COOLER!!! TOO COOL UNKIE!!!!!!! Carter loved the surprise!!!

Chad making the big reveal!!!

Chad taking a test drive before loading Carter in his lap!!!

Then the went on their adventure around the driveway!!! Carter loved it!

Check out the handle bars!!! They will even lower to Carter's level! What a GREAT FUN surprise Unkie!!!

Giddy-up Horsie Giddy-up!!!

Carter Loves his horse that Mazzie and Poppie gave him for Christmas!!!

Well, we went to a baby shower for Courtney (Cole) Garrab last Saturday! She is having a little boy and his name will be Wyatt!!! Carter's friends were there so we got to have a play date during the shower! We all had so much fun!!!

Courtney and hidden inside, Wyatt. Isn't she cute!!!

Carter playing with his buddies Landon and Emma.

Sweet Emma...Isn't she a doll!


Smilin for the Camera!!!

Sweet Landon looking like his mommy now!


Our babies are growing up so fast already! Heidi turned two a week ago and her too fun birthday party was Sunday! She had a Mickey/Minnie Mouse theme, so you know Carter had a blast!!!
Carter and I in the Bouncy Gym!

Playin' in the ball pit!!!!

I joined in on all the fun! Heidi even played with us too!

He loved the Roller Coaster!!!!

Carter's friend Presley loved the lifesize Mickey Mouse balloon!!!
Carter and I posing for a picture!!! He's wearing his Mickey Mouse Ears!!!

I loved this picture of My friend Ashley and I and our babies...
Carter LOVED the cupcake cakes!!!

Mazzie feeding Carter some icecream!

And lastly, last night, we went to the annual Northwest Georgia Credit Union meeting! This year it was at the Movies at Berry Square! Everyone got a coke and a popcorn and got to view the new movie "The Tooth Fairy". Carter attended and even won $25.00!!! It was his first movie and as you can see below, he loved the popcorn and sitting in his own seat! Mazzie and I were both there too, but we didn't like the picture of me, so I cut us out! haha! Hope you enjoyed our blog this time! I will update soon with him in his new outfit!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love this post, Casey! Thanks for the shout-out! :) Yuppers, we've gotten 56" of snow this season (the past 4 winters combined, we haven't even gotten that much!) They are calling for more snow on Sunday/Monday, so we'll see - HELP!! :) Love ya! xo
