Friday, March 26, 2010

It has been a while...

So, we have been running busy since our last post and have experienced two exciting holidays.... Valentines and St. Patty's day!

Carter is growing so rapidly and you wouldn't believe how large his vocabulary is. He NEVER seems to hush either (my mom claims he gets that from me). He loves to talk to those that he is very fond of and used to. He tells you all about everything. We all may be biased, but we seem to think that he is a very smart boy, as he already has (almost) his alphabet down... Can count to, well some days more than others, and can show you 1-5 on his fingers. He LOVES to sing and this is probably his favorite thing to do. His favorite songs are "i love you" (the barney song), Itsy Bitsy Spider (and he does all the motions), the alphabet song (you wouldn't believe how many letters he knows), Row your boat (which he grabs his own mini-acoustic guitar and plays and taps his foot as he sings), and then of course he will attempt to sing along to any song that you may be singing.

In the car, his favorite past time is to watch Mickey Mouse on the DVD player that Unkie bought him for Christmas... He watched Choo-Choo Express, which is what Aunt Jessie and Uncle Michael bought him! (Mommy is just about tired of the choo-choo song too! haha)

So, we are having a blast since the weather is starting to turn a little nicer. We spent our first weekend at the lake last weekend and had a blast... Carter was pooped after such a fun weekend! He loved driving the golf cart and riding around in front of the camper on his 4-wheeler or in his cozy coupe. I believe his favorite thing to do however, was drive (yes, he drove) up to Scooters convenient store to buy an ice cream to enjoy!!!

Graham and I also took Carter to the park the other day and we all had super fun!!!! And, as you know, Daddy keeps Carter while Graham and I work daily. Just recently, Poppie and Carter have been meeting me on Tuesday mornings on my early lunch hour at the Library for story time! Carter loves this time!!! The ladies have a theme weekly and a very cute puppet show that Carter adores. Poppie and I really enjoy getting to spend this time with him where we are all making very sweet memories!!!

Big news-Graham killed a turkey on Wednesday which was such a sweet perfect time to get a kill.... It would have been my Gran's birthday!!! She would have just squealed with excitement to see that Graham had got a turkey on HER birthday! I went by her grave and sang happy birthday, and mom did too... We both seem to think that she could probably hear us singing! We love and miss you Gran!!!!

So, enjoy the few pictures below. I can imagine that as spring and summer arrive, we will have many more pictures to come of fun times in the sun!!!

Out to eat one night! Daddy took a photo-op!!!

On Valentines Day! Carter was so cute in his pink shirt and black and grey tie!

Carter and Unkie at his house flying a kite in his backyard!!!
Carter loves to go out to Chad's to see the planes come in!!!

Playing ball in Unkies backyard! I loved this hat on him... It is Unkies!

So, this is a picture of us last year on St. Patty's day! Can you believe it?!?!?! We have BOTH changed so much! But mostly, look how much Carter has changed! My baby is growing so fast!!!

This year on St. Patty's day!!!

Carter and Mommy going to feed the ducks!

Graham's turkey! Chad called and Graham shot!
Cute pic of Carter and his Daddy with the turkey! I love Carter's rainboots, a gift from Mazzie!
I hope you all have a very blessed Easter!!!! Remember the REAL meaning to Easter and celebrate the life of our LORD and SAVIOR and thank him for forgiving all of our sins!

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