Thursday, April 8, 2010

To GOD be all the Glory!!! HE HAS RISEN!!!!

Thank you lord for the cross. Thank you for what happened in the tomb so many days ago. Thank you for my salvation and the blessings that are bestowed upon myself and my family!!! What a WONDERFUL and EXCITING Easter weekend we had! We are SOOOOO incredibly blessed. The weather was beautiful. We are so thankful and give God all the glory of SUCH a great time!!!

This Easter was Carters first Easter that he could really get into it! He had lots of fun hunting eggs and finding all of his surprises that the Easter Bunny had left for him! He's a spoiled and blessed little boy! But, no one has received a greater blessing than I... To have SUCH A WONDERFUL SON to share and shower my love with!

On Saturday, before Easter, we definitely had an exciting day planned. We visited Ridge Ferry Park for the Easter Egg Hunt and the Easter Bunny flew in on a helicopter! Carter absolutely LOVED it due to his new found excitement of planes and helicopters!!! That afternoon, after an attempt at a quick nap, we visited our church for the church-wide picnic and egg hunt! He really had lots of fun there playing with friends, picking up TONS of eggs, and visiting with fellow church members.

Playing with some toys on our blanket at Ridge Ferry, waiting on the Easter Bunny!

Isn't he a doll in his sunglasses? He did that himself.

My love and I!!!

Mazzie bought him a "leash" for Easter that is so adorable! Carter actually loves it and it is so much easier for me! It gives me a sense of calmness knowing that he's right beside me!

At the egg hunt at church. He loves all the unique eggs that we found!

Mazzie had to grab a picture with Carter!

My love and I waiting for the Easter Egg hunt!

Hunting more eggs at church! There were eggs EVERYWHERE!

He was so excited to throw them in the basket!

Mommy and Emily pushing their babies, Carter and Addison!

He had so much fun swinging with friends!
So, Sunday morning brought MUCH excitement!!! The EASTER BUNNY visited Carter and he and I headed to church...his daddy had severe bronchittis so he wasn't able to do much with us to celebrate the occasion. Carter was very overwhelmed by all the exciting things that EB left for him! He is a rotten little boy as you can see... He was graced with a new comforter for his big boy bed, a mini basketball goal for his room, an Easter bunny Mickey Mouse, Elmos radio with microphone, several books, new mickey mouse dishes, lots of candy, several small toys, socks, and so much more!!!

Was it Easter or Christmas? I think I got confused....He's SO spoiled!

Checking out his loot!!!

Once he had checked it all out, he posed for a picture!
So my little prince charming turned into a pimp when it came time for church. His Easter outfit was ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE! I know all of you mom's out there will disagree with me, but he was DEFINITELY the cutest kid I have ever seen on Easter! He had SO many comments and compliments on his outfit!

My love hunting eggs after Easter lunch!

Is he adorable or WHAT!!!

HE FOUND ONE!!! About to take off running to put it in his basket...

Checking out the confetti inside one of the too neat confetti eggs...

Unkie helped him find eggs since his daddy wasn't feeling well.

Taking a break from hunting, and cruising in his Cozy Coup!
As we follow tradition, the "adult-kids" had an Easter egg hunt! Notice Unkie has a funny look on his face and me and Jen are grinning ear to ear... Well, there is a reason for that! We stomped his butt! haha! Jen found by far the most eggs, winning her the award for "Easter Egg Hunt Champ", while I found the prize egg with $10.00, winning the award for "prize egg"!!! Chad....well, he received the easter egg award for "egg-stra special hunter" haha! How much fun we had!!!!!!

Later, off to Nana and Papa's we headed for yet ANOTHER Easter Egg hunt and visits with the Nash family. We had super fun there and played in the beautiful sun in the backyard.

Cousins Cam and Coop looking adorable!

Carter, Cam, and Coop chasing bubbles...a gift from Nana and Papa.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe ya'll were at Ridgeferry Park and we didn't run into ya'll! I sent that text before we went, and I'd already left the car and was walking up to the Egg Hunt when you'd called. We had to be right near each other, but as I'm sure you remember, it would've been easy to miss each other because of the crowd!

    Carter looks HANDSOME in his pimping Easter outfit! It looks like ya'll had too much fun celebrating Easter! Chad's girlfriend definitely won the Egg Hunt I'd say - what happened to you two? Haha! Of course ten dollars is just as good, huh?

    We miss ya'll tons and hope to hang out soon! We have to reschedule that Kangaroo Jake's date - my little nephew happened to interrupt it :). Summer's coming - we'll definitely be SWIMMING tons!

    Love ya'll bunches :).
