Friday, April 23, 2010

Weekend at the lake!!!

In the past summers of my life, I have been so lucky to get to spend such fun days down at my grandmothers lake lot in Alabama... (Who knew Alabama could be soo much fun! haha). Anyway, since Gran has passed Mom and Dad has opted to keep the lot and we have already THOROUGHLY enjoyed it this year. Not only have my brother and I got to experience such fun memories there, but now my baby boy is getting to experience the fun as well!

However, this past weekend at the lake was EXTRA special! Daddy's sister and brother-in-law (My Aunt and Uncle, and Carter's Great Aunt and Great Uncle) came for a weekend visit from Rutledge, Tennessee. Nothing makes me happier than to be around family, and boy we had a BLAST!

Beck and James arrived on Friday evening and stayed until Sunday afternoon! We enjoyed activities such as strolling on the golf cart, fishing, boating, eating, making smores, singing, dancing, being serenaded by my brother with his guitar around the fire, and shooting fireworks. There were many other things that we enjoyed also, but the company was by far the best!

Carter had an absolute blast visiting with his "greats". He called the Beeeeeeeck, and Yaaaames, with his cute country draw. We hope to make their visit an annual occasion!!!

We love y'all James and Beck and can't wait until you come again.... And, for the rest of you "Tennesseans", get your hineys on down here and join in on all the fun!!!!

Carter enjoying an ice cream cone along side his Great Aunt Beck

Carter enjoyed roasting his first ever Marshmellows... Notice where they are...on the ground! haha!

Poppie decided to help considering Cart wasn't being to successful!

Carter on the dock fishing with the boys.
Carter picked his Aunt Beck a flower and is heading to deliver it here...

Here she is giving him a big hug of thanks...If you could have just seen the look on his face...Just precious!

My boy is such a little man...Just adorable!

Carter enjoying dinner with Beck and James. Graham and Mom made us a delicious meal... Smoked Brisket, Potato Salad, Corn on the Cob, and Rolls.... YUM YUM to my TUM.

Aunt Beck, Carter, and Poppie taking a boat ride on the catfishing boat.

Maz and Carter taking one of their MANY golf cart rides.

Check out this monster catfish that Daddy and James caught! They had a great time fishing and had lots of luck too!

L-R, Uncle James, Mom, Aunt Beck, and Daddy! What a fun trip we had!!!
After Beck and James headed back to TN, we hung out for the remainder of the day considering it's only a 15 minute ride back home...

We caught about 30 fish in just a few hours off the dock...

We rigged up a small fishing pole for Carter and boy did he think he was the stuff!!!

What a doll!!!!

Having a blast!!!

Teaching him how to cast...

Daddy got in on the fun too!

Mazzie loves her Carter!

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