Friday, April 23, 2010

Another morning at the park!!!

Many Saturdays have arrived where we have enjoyed a great breakfast at Chic-Fil-A and then headed to Ridge Ferry Park to burn an hour or so before getting started with our typical Saturday activities! A couple of weeks ago, the guys were on a camping trip and Carter got to enjoy breakfast with his Mommy, Nana, and Mazzie! We had a very nice time at Chic-Fil-A, and afterwards, Nana headed to work, and the rest of us headed to the playground for lots of fun!!!

Carter and I walking towards the playground...

Of corse, I had to join in on the fun and ride the neat teeter totters!!!

Mommy and Carter smiling for the camera as they cross a bridge to head towards the slide!!!

Isn't he a need of a haircut? haha!

Notice I was having to hold him back for a photo-op. He was dying to get down that slide!

Mazzie and Carter on the viewing deck over looking the river.

Carter and I playing Hide-and-seek in the viewing deck! He thought this was HILARIOUS!!!

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