Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Relay For Life

Every year, since my dear Gran (the GREATEST woman that I have ever been blessed enough to know) was diagnosed with "The Big Dreadful C", we have faithfully attended the relay for life at Ridge Ferry Park. Giving of our own small efforts to hopefully contribute to finding a cure for this disease so that no one else has to experience the pain that Gran or our family endured. This year, well, it was no exception. We loaded Carter up in his stroller and hit the park for an evening of fun things to do, and to shed a few tears as well.

This post is for you, Gran. I love you more than you will ever know, and miss you daily! To only feel your loving bear hug wrapped around me one more time...
Patricia "Gran" Smith
A loving Daughter, Wife, Mother, Grandmother, and Friend
You are greatly missed!

So, our night began with making rounds around the track, enjoying cotton candy, hotdogs, boiled peanuts, and enjoying all the activities. There was dancing, music from Mom's friend at work, and so much fun to be had! We ran into several friends that we enjoyed visiting with as well. We found excitement in finding Gran's luminaries, but it also brought heartache to know she couldn't be here with us to enjoy the fun as a SURVIVOR! Enjoy the pictures and the captions below! And, for years to come...wherever you may be, we encourage you to look up your local Relay for Life event and support the cause!!!

Carter enjoying a cracker in his stroller!

Watching the "Dixie Stompers" perform their dance routines.

Carter and Mazzie hanging out with the chic-fil-a cow...Cart wasn't too sure about it, so Maz had to accompany him to visit the cow.

Mom and her WONDERFUL friends!!! They are SUCH a close group of gals!!!

WE FOUND EMMA!!! Emma rode up on her Diva Mobile...

Carter decided to give the Diva Mobile a try...

Me and one of my bestest and Carter and one of his....Candi and Emma!!!

I thought this picture of Emma was HILARIOUS! I say the caption to this pic should be "suckaaaaaaa"

Miss Candi taking Carter for a ride!

She's just the coolest friend ever!!!!

Emma let Carter have a pair of her SOOOO cool glasses too! Thanks Em!!!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so you made me cry sad tears in the beginning thinking about Gran and the fun we'd had with her over the years. I'll never forget the times that we spent with her at the lake and how she thought we were just a couple of too goofy girls! She definitely had her hands full :).

    Then you made my sad tears turn into happy tears when I saw the other pictures, and especially when you said the caption of that hilarious picture should be, "Suckaaaaa!" I SO agree :). I love the one of the four of us. I definitely need to print that one out and put it on display!

    Carter's one of my favorite little boys ever, and we need to see ya'll TONS this summer! Kangaroo Jakes dates? Rocky Mountain beach dates? Swimming dates? I SAY SO! And Courtney will be home with Wyatt April 28 through May something, so we'll definitely let you know.

    I love you, girlfriend!
