Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Blue Ridge

Last week, I had to work a job fair in Blue Ridge, GA... So, since lodging is free for us, and since Graham is laid-off, the boys came along with me! We love the Blue Ridge area! It is sooo incredibly pretty! The guys played while I worked, and then we played after I got off! It was a great quick trip!

I only have a few pictures, because Graham didn't take the camera when it was just the two of them...but I thought I would post anyway.

Graham and Carter rode the Scenic Railway, a 4 hour train trip from Blue Ridge, GA to Macayesville, TN. The ride was 1 hour there, 1 hour back, and 2 hours in TN. They had lots of fun, and I was there to surprise them when the train arrived back in town! I took two videos of the surprise!!!!

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