Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It's on like donkey kong!!!!!!!

So, who could possibly forget the "dreadfully huge" carnival tent that Carter got for Christmas???

And, don't you recall that I said something in my post about "someone" eventually getting the cumbersome thing one day?

Don't this little girl with Carter look like she just REAAAAALLLLYYYY wants it????
And, several months later, she is still standing and staring at the thing like she REEAAAAAAALLLLLLY wants it.... Well, she got it!!!!!! We gave it to her after Carter's birthday party.... Emma, I told your mommy for a long long time that it would end up at HER house... NOT MINE!!!! And, I meant it!!! haha
Well, as some of you may know...Carter, Graham, and I went to Blue Ridge last weekend and on into last week because I had to work up there... When I returned, this is what I found... (click the link to Candi's blog to see what she did), after seeing that Candi agreed that it was JUST TOO BIG, and returned it (declaring war might I add)...I went in for the attack... I simply sent Candi a text and said "well, I would declare war, but I know I would just end up with the thing again, and since I don't want it....well, then I'm taking it to church...." SHE BELIEVED ME!!!!! She REALLY believed me! Crazy thing! Do you REALLY think that I am not up for the challenge to see JUST how many years it takes HER to finally give up.... Because I will NOT lose this one, SUCKA!!!!!! haha!
So, last night... Mom and I went in for the attack!!!
(notice what's in the back seat behind us?!?!...

We laughed the WHOLE way there!!!! It was hilarious!
So, this wasn't the easiest attack in the world! The turkey lives in a cul-de-sac, so it's not like we could just keep on driving if they were outside or anything...
So, sit back for a minute with me, get your head in the game, and come along for the ride....
Lights out... door lights cut off.... tent in backseat.... poster made and in the back seat.... have my cohort in crime.... black attire.... and giggleboxes turned up side down.... Sounds like we're ready!!!!!!
Pulling up to the house, we see their garage door is open, the light it on AND the FRONT PORCH light is on.... Boy, this is not going to be easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But, Candi's car wasn't there.... PERFECT TIMING!!!!!!!
So, the car is stopped, we jump out, sit the tent out in the road, throw the sign up and take a quick pic to prove we were there!!!!!!!!
Then, to it's final resting place... The tree in their yard... The tent gets dropped off, the sign is placed, and then we RUUUUUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN RUN RUUUUUN!!!!!!!!!!!... But, wait we forgot to get a picture.... let's turn around, get the picture and RUUUUUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN RUN RUUUUUN!!!!!!!!!
Whew! DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And, we weren't caught... but seconds later.... we may have been!!!! That was a close one, fellas!!!!!!!!
ATTENTION TO THE COLE'S.... You MIGHT just want to start paying better attention... I was in your yard FLASHING pictures like crazy... and you never knew I was there... Boy, what I may be able to get away with next........ Hmmmmmmm...
Who's laughing now Sucka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahahahahahahahaha :). I LOVE ya'll! This was SO hilarious. We're going to be getting more and more creative with this tent! Just wait... who knows WHAT we'll do with it next :).

    I love this blog post that you did - so hilarious. You made me laugh even more today, and I swear that I laughed all night lastnight! I HAD to run in and blog about it because it's too funny :). I love all of your other new posts, too. Carter is such a happy boy! And handsome, too! And my future son-in-law, by the way. Hehe :).
