Friday, May 28, 2010

Carter's Birthday Party!!!

Carter’s 2nd birthday party was SUCH a success!!! We had it on May 22nd, a few days before his actual birthday (May 26th). The weather was ABSOLUTELY beautiful (and hot), and we had a great turn out. We really appreciate everyone that came to celebrate his birthday with us.

Thanks to EVERYONE who helped out with making the party a success!!! Unkie-thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOO much for opening your home (and yard) to a huge clan of kids! Haha! You will wear a special crown one day for being so good to your sister and nephew!!! And, to everyone else that helped with the food, the setting up, the taking down, the planning, the buying, etc., etc., etc……THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Carters party, if you have heard was named “Carter’s Carnival”. I designed the invitations and if I MUST say so myself… they were the CUTEST invitations that I have EVER seen… I will post a picture below. Everything at the party was carnival themed…. The cake, the décor, the colors, the games, and so on and so on….

All the games were kid friendly and all the kids got a prize after playing each game. Their prizes were to be kept in a personalized bag made for each of them… We had hotdogs, chips, cokes, kool-aid, water, slaw, onions, and of course…birthday cookie-cake. At the end of the party, all of the kids got a stick of chocolate covered marshmallows with sprinkles made by whom other than myself….and these were a true SUCCESS as the kids loved them….and even some of the parents! Haha!

Again, thanks to everyone who helped out and to those who came to celebrate with us! We had an absolute blast!!! I just can’t believe he’s two already!!!!!

The invitation.... Just adorable! haha!

Some of the games...

Some more games...

The present area

The bouncehouse.... Boy, this was definitely a huge HIT at the party....

Carter playing with cousins, Cam and Coop, and Landon in the bouncer.

Carter and Landon playing...

Carter stopping for JUST a minute to say cheese.... Notice how red those cheeks are!!!
Now Presley decided to join in on the fun!
Somebody is about to get hit with a beachball!!!!
Talking to Papa through the net...
Giving Nana Birthday Boy kisses...

Thanks to Chuck for helping Graham put the 75 hotdogs together...

The eating area...Can't really tell due to the lighting.

Michael helped too!

Time to eat!

party hardy!!!!

Look how hot and sweaty he was... Bless his heart, he played so hard!

Unkie giving Carter some water... He's the BEST uncle EVER!!!!!

The only family shot of the day!

Carter's cute cookie cake that I designed.

Carter's own personalized cookie... Can you believe that he ACTUALLY blew his own candle out?!?! I was amazed! haha!

Everyone gathered around to watch Carter open his presents.

He got lots of good stuff!!!

Including this GREAT hat from Uncle Eric and Aunt Sandy (and Eliza Grace too) YAY!!!! GO VOLS!!!!!!!!

A Manny doll from Mimi and John.

Mimi and John are two of Carter's favorite people... This is his back up baby sitters for when we get in a bind! Thanks for coming Mimi and John!

Mazzie and Carter playing with the bubble machine.
Thank you so much Unkie for SUCH a wonderful day! You're the best!!!!!

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