Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Disney World! Where MY Dreams Come True!!!!

So in the fashion of myself....and probably MANY other people.... I HATE for vacations to end! So, when we went to the beach, on Friday (the day before we were to come home) my wheels started turning and I started plotting "Just how can I get this vacation to last a little longer?"!!! Well, being that I am VERY determined (call it stubborn if you want) and I usually find a way to get my way (haha), our vacation didn't end on Saturday as originally planned!

As you know, we were in Daytona Beach... Which is only 90 minutes from Disney World... Come on people!!! When you are only 90 minutes away from Disney World, and you have a two year old that loves the man with the big ears, then you HAVE to take the baby to see MICKEY MOUSE!!!!! And so.... That's just what we did!

Here are several pictures to document the memories of our day! We had SUCH a blast and it was DEFINITELY ALL WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just arriving... In line to get our tickets!!! Carter has no clue at this time what he is about to witness!!!

I LOVE it when sweet people offer to take pictures of us so that I don't have to ask!

So, after standing in line for over an hour and getting Carter's anticipation all built up (haha-yeah right!), he finally laid his eyes on the REAL MICKEY MOUSE! I love the look on his face! Is it not priceless! He was COMPLETELY in shock!

He couldn't take his eyes off of Mickey Mouse!

Family Picture! Carter wouldn't get down to have a picture by himself! I love this picture of him just staring at Mickey Mouse!

Daddy, Carter, and Donald Duck! At this time we were in Frontierland, therefore, Donald was dressed up like a pioneer. Aren't they cute!
Okay, so these next few pictures I have to explain something... As we walked up Mainstreet we could tell that a show was beginning at the castle, so we hurried up to let Carter see. Well, at this point we had only been in the park for about 20 he had not yet seen a REAL Mickey ANYWHERE! Low and behold, all of the characters were in this particular show, and there was Carter's favorite....MICKEY!!! Graham threw Carter on his shoulders so he could see and this is where I started taking pictures... How adorable are they! You can see the disbelief in Carter's face! "Mickey IS real!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On the picture below, I can't believe I am going to admit this (Graham doesn't even know this...) But, anyway, If you will look closely, you can see Mickey and the rest of the characters on the stage. Well, I am behind the guys for TWO reasons. The first, to get a cute picture of the boys watching the show with the castle in the picture as well, and the other reason....well, because I was crying! haha! I was literally doing all I could do to hold back the tears but I just couldn't. It just touched my heart to see my sweet baby boy BELIEVE in all that he was seeing. It was as if a dream of his was coming true! The look on his face just touched me. Then, I cried too because I was so thankful to the LORD for blessing us in a such a way that we could take Carter to Disney. It was just a world of emotions...and it TOTALLY got to me.... Okay, Okay, you can call me a dork, Geez leave me alone!!!! haha!

Carter was also excited to meet Tigger and Pooh. BUT, he would NOT get down or let either of them hold him. He MEANT that I was going to be in the picture with him!

My man and I in front of one of the most BEAUTIFUL places in the WORLD! Cinderella's Castle!

Another Family picture!!!
Years ago, when I was little, my mom and I had a picture that we love made in (almost) this very spot... Therefore, I had to get one of me and my little one!
This picture was made for the SOLE reason to document Carter's EXHAUSTED face! Bless his heart, you can tell that he had SUCH a busy day and was SOOOO tired!
I loved this picture! This is on the way back to Rome the next day. You can tell that Carter is still re-couping from all the excitement. He fell asleep LITERALLY playing his guitar in the back seat! SOOOOO precious!!!

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