Thursday, May 27, 2010

2010 Beach Vacation

WOW! What a GREAT vacation we all had 2 weeks ago! Due to the oil spill in the gulf, instead of going to Gulf Shores, we ended up in Daytona Beach. It was great! The weather was PERFECT the whole time and we never once saw a rain drop! We even got to see a space shuttle taking flight over the ocean!

Our room was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!! 3,000 square foot of absolute beauty!!! We literally felt like we were royalty! Haha! (not really, but it sounded nice) The décor was great! There were closets galore, and we even had our own private entrance off the elevator. The balcony was AWESOME with a built in grill on the balcony for private personal use. The master suite (which I claimed…haha!) was stunning and even had 5 closets (2 being HUGE)! We even made one of the closets a bedroom for Carter with all of his toys and his pack-n-play! The bathroom that was attached was even nicer! The kitchen was solid granite countertops, beautiful tile floors, and state of the art appliances!!! I can’t even begin to tell you JUST how nice this place was! We never at one time felt cramped!!!! There were 7 of us and we had MORE THAN PLENTY room!!! Wow! If you're planning to go to Daytona, the place to stay is Ocean Vistas…

Carter had an absolute blast! He was HILARIOUS on the beach! He acted as if he owned the world while there! He loved running and jumping through the water and when it knocked him down, it was NO BIG DEAL! He got up, laughed, took a deep breath and went for it again! Haha! He loved the pool as well! He’s just a little fish which I love!

All in all, we had a great time! I was so blessed to get to spend a solid week with my whole entire immediate family! We can’t wait to go back and do it all again!!!

Look at my little rock star jamming on the beach!!!

We attempted to take family beach pictures. They didn't turn out NEAR as good as last years.

I thought this was sweet...

And this one even sweeter. I love Carter pointing in this pic!

I was really hoping for a better Mommy/Son picture, but he just wasn't cooperating!

Look how amazing our bed was...and SOOOO comfy!

Carter being a beach bum! Isn't this the CUTEST swim suit ever!

I loved this picture of Mom and Dad in their tooooo cooooooool ray-bans!!!

Gosh, I love him!!!!!!!!

How sweet!

All decked out for dinner with his sperrys on!

Carter learned how to fly a kite too!

He seriously is flying this ON HIS OWN!

Graham helping him get the kite in the air... Notice the kite at the top of the pic!

Chad and Unkie looking sharp!!!

Look at the look on his face. Can you tell he is saying "mommy, hurry, I want to go to the beach!!!!"

I SOOOOOO love him!

Toasting time!!!!

He was looking up to see the airplane here....

Carter LOVED planning with all of his sand toys.... and he had TONS of them!

He was by far the CUTEST thing on the beach!!!

Running after mommy as I was trying to get ahead enough for a good picture!

Aaaaaaand, he off!

Meeting mother ocean!

Taking a walk on the beach! His favorite thing to do!

Playing with two of his favorite guys!

Running with Unkie


I think this is the ONLY picture that we had made together! haha!

He's givin' it all he's got!!!

This is my FAVORITE picture of the WHOLE trip!!!

Carter eating his ice cream!!!

He loved the superman popsicles!

Mommy and Carter buying icecream... another favorite part of his trip.

Mazzie singing to Carter under the canopy on the beach... He was pooped!

We had to hit up the Krispy Kream Donut shop! Carter was sporting their hat while he enjoyed his sprinkle donut!!!

Bucket head!

The Krispy Kreme boys...

Mazzie and Carter enjoying the BEAUTIFUL pool!

Takin a dip!
It was SUCH a great trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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