Wednesday, May 26, 2010

2 years ago today....

At this EXACT moment 2 years ago, I was sitting in a hospital bed trying to tell the doctors and nurses that they were crazy because I was NOT in labor... Little did I know, I was wrong and at 8:31pm I experienced the birth of my PRECIOUS baby boy with my wonderful husband and wonderful mom by my side. It was by far the absolute BEST day of my life. It literally feels as if I've been put in a time machine and jumped two years ahead today, because looking back, there is just NO WAY that two years have really passed.
I love my baby boy beyond describing words! He's the most perfect thing that I have ever seen. I love his smiles, his laughter, his voice, his attitude, his personality, his hands, his toes, his heart, his eyes, his nose, and so on and so on....I mean, heck, why not even say I love his spleen! That's JUST how much I love love EVERY LITTLE THING about him! He's just so perfect in Mommy's eyes!
I can't even begin to thank GOD for what a miracle he placed in my life. He knew exactly what to give me at the most perfect time too! There will never be anything in the world that I feel I could do to express my gratitude to him for the blessing that I have received. I am so not deserving of such a wonderful and precious being.... but I'm so glad that GOD thought I was!
Thank you LORD for the blessing you have graced me with. Thank you for the health of my child and for giving him a loving family to care for him. Thank you for continuing to place your hand upon him and love him. I ask that you guide his daddy and myself to show him an example of how to live for you. Amen.
Now, for just a few fun pictures... Look how much he has changed from newborn to 1 year old and then to two years old.... It's simply UNBELIEVABLE!!!

Celebrating his birth!!! Only one week old here...

Carter's first birthday! OH how the time has passed!

His birthday party this year! HOW can he REALLY be two years old?!?!

Pooped after such a big day of partying! When we got home, there was a card in the mailbox though, so of corse he had enough energy to open it!
If you were to be in Rome and pick up a Rome News Tribune, this is the beautiful little boy that you will see on the 2nd page under the bithday column! Happy Birthday Mommy's sweet doll! I love you!

1 comment:

  1. I know that I just texted this, but...

    Happy birthday, Carter! We love you and your family sooo much :). Love, Candi and Emma.

    This post brought tears to my eyes. I'm such a sap! And why not love his spleen? We're allowed to love anything and everything about our precious little ones. Even their turds in the toilet! Haha :). We had SO much fun at Carter's Carnival. I have a post coming soon with some GREAT pictures! I still need to get those pictures onto a CD for you, too. We can't WAIT to see ya'll again!
