Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The love they have for one another...

So, this past weekend we were graced with the company of my first cousin, Sandra and her hubby, Eric, and their PRECIOUS SWEETHEART of a daughter, Eliza Grace. We had SOOO much fun together! Carter just loved Eliza being in town, and is STILL talking about her! It took him a little bit to warm up to her and to realize that she was going to STAY in his house for a few days instead of a "drop-in" visit, but once he figured it out, they were 2 peas in a pod!

We definitely had a blast and was so happy to have them here for the weekend and for Carter's party! It is so exciting to get to see our kiddos playing together since Sandra and I are so close! I love that our kids love each other!
Enjoy the pictures!!! There aren't many and that is because it is SO incredibly hard to get a 2 year old and an 18 month old to look your way at the same time for a picture!


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