Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Father's Day 2010

This Father's Day was great! We enjoyed spending quality time with those that are sooo special to us!!!

Happy Father's Day to Graham-you are a great daddy to Carter... He loves you SOOOO much! I love you more and more everyday for being such a great daddy and husband!!!!

Graham and I at Sal-Grasso in Atlanta celebrating Father's Day with my mom and dad.
Graham and his little guy on the beach ramp in Daytona.
Happy Father's Day to Daddy- I love you more than words can express! You are such a great daddy, father-in-law, and Poppie to my little boy!!!

Daddy and I at Crabby Joes in Daytona.

Mom and Dad at Sal Grasso in Atlanta. This was our gift to dad, along with dessert at The Melting Pot.

Happy Father's Day to Roger, my father-in-law! You've always been a very devoted father, and one heck of a papa to Carter, Cam, and Cooper! We love you!!!
Like Father, Like Son...
Carter, Nana, and Papa at his birthday party.

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