Thursday, August 26, 2010

I'm back!!!!

So, I haven’t posted a blog lately, so you would imagine that I would have tons to say… well, I do…but, I haven’t uploaded the pictures to go with all of it, so I’m gonna stick to “we are having an awesome summer”!!!! Carter is just hilarious these days! Every morning that I wake up, I am embarking on a new adventure with this child. He definitely keeps us on our toes and never slows down. We are so blessed to have such a healthy child who NEVER takes a break. I just wish I could jar-up his energy and save it for one of the days when I turn 80!!!!

Summer is treating us quite well. We are constantly attending something fun and doing fun things around the house. Last night, Carter and I baked a cake…which wasn’t a good idea considering my dishwasher broke and then I had A TON of dishes to HAND WASH!!! This is 2010…I’m not supposed to be washing dishes by hand for goodness sake!!! Haha! We’ve been on several mini-trips that we LOADED in fun (more blog posts to come for those).

Carter has recently started back at “Poppie’s”. As most of you knew, Graham was laid off and keeping him everyday. Well, Graham is working at Temple-Inland now. We are very thankful for this job, due to it pays well, however, please keep us in your prayers. It could potentially be a dangerous environment, plus he will be working a swing shift…which is life changing for us all….We won’t be seeing as much of one another and there will be nights that I have to conquer staying alone… But, with your prayers and the Lord’s will, we will get through this journey as well and it will just become part of our lives.

So, this is it folks… Our recent lives bundled into a blog post... ENJOY!!!! And look for more soon!!!
One Sunday afternoon, it was soooo HOT! I went and bought Cart a slippin slide...and WE had so much fun!!! haha!
I joined in on the fun too...Plus, he had no clue what to do with it so I had to show him!!!

He thought it was hilarious that my big butt was attempting to go down this thing!!!

Fun times!!!
Also, back on July 22nd, it was “Mazzie’s” birthday!!!! Happy Happy!!!! Well, on the 21st, I had to chaperone two of our interns to a conference at Callaway Gardens in Pine Mountain, GA. I thought it would be great for Mom to come along with me and celebrate her birthday “Callaway style” for three days! We arrived on Wednesday to a beautiful room and had a GREAT stay until Friday. It was a great Birthday trip, huh Mom? Glad that you were able to go with us and I hope we can make this an annual trip! I love you Momma!!!!

Mom on her birthday at the Butterfly Gardens!!!

BEAUTIFUL picture of a butterfly in the gardens!!!

My interns...I LOVED having them this summer! They were GREAT girls!!!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Camping In Blue Ridge

So, this past weekend was a very funfilled weekend! We took a camping trip up to Blue Ridge, GA with Chad and his best bud Michael and his two kids, Grace and Grant (which were the flower girl and ringbearer in my wedding). We had an absolute blast, but no one had more fun than Carter!!! He LOVED being outside, sleeping outside, watching the campfire, and mostly playing with the kids. Thank you Lord for such a wonderful and safe trip that we had!!!

Our Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday morning home...

Grant playing football with Carter. Can you believe that Carter was actually catching the ball from this far away??? I believe we might have an athlete on our hands fellas!!!!

Carter and Grace kicking the ball back and forth.

Carter being the big shot that he is and climbing into the back of the truck just like Grace and Grant... He thought he was SUCH a big boy!!!

He loved pushing this stick around in the gravel because it left a trace... the campground was hilarious looking...there were little Carter stick traces everywhere!!!!

I HAD to take a picture of his little curls... aren't they just precious?

All pooped out, taking a nap in the tent!

Then, he and Grace played in the tent...

Before we left, Chad helped Carter twirl the rope for Grace to jump... Grant successfully did his part on the other end.

On the way home, we stopped in Blue Ridge at Mecier's Apple Orchard (WONDERFUL PLACE) and Carter got a chocolate tractor sucker... He was smiling big once he started eating on it in the backseat!!!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Father's Day 2010

This Father's Day was great! We enjoyed spending quality time with those that are sooo special to us!!!

Happy Father's Day to Graham-you are a great daddy to Carter... He loves you SOOOO much! I love you more and more everyday for being such a great daddy and husband!!!!

Graham and I at Sal-Grasso in Atlanta celebrating Father's Day with my mom and dad.
Graham and his little guy on the beach ramp in Daytona.
Happy Father's Day to Daddy- I love you more than words can express! You are such a great daddy, father-in-law, and Poppie to my little boy!!!

Daddy and I at Crabby Joes in Daytona.

Mom and Dad at Sal Grasso in Atlanta. This was our gift to dad, along with dessert at The Melting Pot.

Happy Father's Day to Roger, my father-in-law! You've always been a very devoted father, and one heck of a papa to Carter, Cam, and Cooper! We love you!!!
Like Father, Like Son...
Carter, Nana, and Papa at his birthday party.

Blue Ridge

Last week, I had to work a job fair in Blue Ridge, GA... So, since lodging is free for us, and since Graham is laid-off, the boys came along with me! We love the Blue Ridge area! It is sooo incredibly pretty! The guys played while I worked, and then we played after I got off! It was a great quick trip!

I only have a few pictures, because Graham didn't take the camera when it was just the two of them...but I thought I would post anyway.

Graham and Carter rode the Scenic Railway, a 4 hour train trip from Blue Ridge, GA to Macayesville, TN. The ride was 1 hour there, 1 hour back, and 2 hours in TN. They had lots of fun, and I was there to surprise them when the train arrived back in town! I took two videos of the surprise!!!!

It's on like donkey kong!!!!!!!

So, who could possibly forget the "dreadfully huge" carnival tent that Carter got for Christmas???

And, don't you recall that I said something in my post about "someone" eventually getting the cumbersome thing one day?

Don't this little girl with Carter look like she just REAAAAALLLLYYYY wants it????
And, several months later, she is still standing and staring at the thing like she REEAAAAAAALLLLLLY wants it.... Well, she got it!!!!!! We gave it to her after Carter's birthday party.... Emma, I told your mommy for a long long time that it would end up at HER house... NOT MINE!!!! And, I meant it!!! haha
Well, as some of you may know...Carter, Graham, and I went to Blue Ridge last weekend and on into last week because I had to work up there... When I returned, this is what I found... (click the link to Candi's blog to see what she did), after seeing that Candi agreed that it was JUST TOO BIG, and returned it (declaring war might I add)...I went in for the attack... I simply sent Candi a text and said "well, I would declare war, but I know I would just end up with the thing again, and since I don't want it....well, then I'm taking it to church...." SHE BELIEVED ME!!!!! She REALLY believed me! Crazy thing! Do you REALLY think that I am not up for the challenge to see JUST how many years it takes HER to finally give up.... Because I will NOT lose this one, SUCKA!!!!!! haha!
So, last night... Mom and I went in for the attack!!!
(notice what's in the back seat behind us?!?!...

We laughed the WHOLE way there!!!! It was hilarious!
So, this wasn't the easiest attack in the world! The turkey lives in a cul-de-sac, so it's not like we could just keep on driving if they were outside or anything...
So, sit back for a minute with me, get your head in the game, and come along for the ride....
Lights out... door lights cut off.... tent in backseat.... poster made and in the back seat.... have my cohort in crime.... black attire.... and giggleboxes turned up side down.... Sounds like we're ready!!!!!!
Pulling up to the house, we see their garage door is open, the light it on AND the FRONT PORCH light is on.... Boy, this is not going to be easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But, Candi's car wasn't there.... PERFECT TIMING!!!!!!!
So, the car is stopped, we jump out, sit the tent out in the road, throw the sign up and take a quick pic to prove we were there!!!!!!!!
Then, to it's final resting place... The tree in their yard... The tent gets dropped off, the sign is placed, and then we RUUUUUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN RUN RUUUUUN!!!!!!!!!!!... But, wait we forgot to get a picture.... let's turn around, get the picture and RUUUUUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN RUN RUUUUUN!!!!!!!!!
Whew! DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And, we weren't caught... but seconds later.... we may have been!!!! That was a close one, fellas!!!!!!!!
ATTENTION TO THE COLE'S.... You MIGHT just want to start paying better attention... I was in your yard FLASHING pictures like crazy... and you never knew I was there... Boy, what I may be able to get away with next........ Hmmmmmmm...
Who's laughing now Sucka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Carter's Birthday Party!!!

Carter’s 2nd birthday party was SUCH a success!!! We had it on May 22nd, a few days before his actual birthday (May 26th). The weather was ABSOLUTELY beautiful (and hot), and we had a great turn out. We really appreciate everyone that came to celebrate his birthday with us.

Thanks to EVERYONE who helped out with making the party a success!!! Unkie-thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOO much for opening your home (and yard) to a huge clan of kids! Haha! You will wear a special crown one day for being so good to your sister and nephew!!! And, to everyone else that helped with the food, the setting up, the taking down, the planning, the buying, etc., etc., etc……THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Carters party, if you have heard was named “Carter’s Carnival”. I designed the invitations and if I MUST say so myself… they were the CUTEST invitations that I have EVER seen… I will post a picture below. Everything at the party was carnival themed…. The cake, the décor, the colors, the games, and so on and so on….

All the games were kid friendly and all the kids got a prize after playing each game. Their prizes were to be kept in a personalized bag made for each of them… We had hotdogs, chips, cokes, kool-aid, water, slaw, onions, and of course…birthday cookie-cake. At the end of the party, all of the kids got a stick of chocolate covered marshmallows with sprinkles made by whom other than myself….and these were a true SUCCESS as the kids loved them….and even some of the parents! Haha!

Again, thanks to everyone who helped out and to those who came to celebrate with us! We had an absolute blast!!! I just can’t believe he’s two already!!!!!

The invitation.... Just adorable! haha!

Some of the games...

Some more games...

The present area

The bouncehouse.... Boy, this was definitely a huge HIT at the party....

Carter playing with cousins, Cam and Coop, and Landon in the bouncer.

Carter and Landon playing...

Carter stopping for JUST a minute to say cheese.... Notice how red those cheeks are!!!
Now Presley decided to join in on the fun!
Somebody is about to get hit with a beachball!!!!
Talking to Papa through the net...
Giving Nana Birthday Boy kisses...

Thanks to Chuck for helping Graham put the 75 hotdogs together...

The eating area...Can't really tell due to the lighting.

Michael helped too!

Time to eat!

party hardy!!!!

Look how hot and sweaty he was... Bless his heart, he played so hard!

Unkie giving Carter some water... He's the BEST uncle EVER!!!!!

The only family shot of the day!

Carter's cute cookie cake that I designed.

Carter's own personalized cookie... Can you believe that he ACTUALLY blew his own candle out?!?! I was amazed! haha!

Everyone gathered around to watch Carter open his presents.

He got lots of good stuff!!!

Including this GREAT hat from Uncle Eric and Aunt Sandy (and Eliza Grace too) YAY!!!! GO VOLS!!!!!!!!

A Manny doll from Mimi and John.

Mimi and John are two of Carter's favorite people... This is his back up baby sitters for when we get in a bind! Thanks for coming Mimi and John!

Mazzie and Carter playing with the bubble machine.
Thank you so much Unkie for SUCH a wonderful day! You're the best!!!!!