Friday, April 23, 2010

Weekend at the lake!!!

In the past summers of my life, I have been so lucky to get to spend such fun days down at my grandmothers lake lot in Alabama... (Who knew Alabama could be soo much fun! haha). Anyway, since Gran has passed Mom and Dad has opted to keep the lot and we have already THOROUGHLY enjoyed it this year. Not only have my brother and I got to experience such fun memories there, but now my baby boy is getting to experience the fun as well!

However, this past weekend at the lake was EXTRA special! Daddy's sister and brother-in-law (My Aunt and Uncle, and Carter's Great Aunt and Great Uncle) came for a weekend visit from Rutledge, Tennessee. Nothing makes me happier than to be around family, and boy we had a BLAST!

Beck and James arrived on Friday evening and stayed until Sunday afternoon! We enjoyed activities such as strolling on the golf cart, fishing, boating, eating, making smores, singing, dancing, being serenaded by my brother with his guitar around the fire, and shooting fireworks. There were many other things that we enjoyed also, but the company was by far the best!

Carter had an absolute blast visiting with his "greats". He called the Beeeeeeeck, and Yaaaames, with his cute country draw. We hope to make their visit an annual occasion!!!

We love y'all James and Beck and can't wait until you come again.... And, for the rest of you "Tennesseans", get your hineys on down here and join in on all the fun!!!!

Carter enjoying an ice cream cone along side his Great Aunt Beck

Carter enjoyed roasting his first ever Marshmellows... Notice where they are...on the ground! haha!

Poppie decided to help considering Cart wasn't being to successful!

Carter on the dock fishing with the boys.
Carter picked his Aunt Beck a flower and is heading to deliver it here...

Here she is giving him a big hug of thanks...If you could have just seen the look on his face...Just precious!

My boy is such a little man...Just adorable!

Carter enjoying dinner with Beck and James. Graham and Mom made us a delicious meal... Smoked Brisket, Potato Salad, Corn on the Cob, and Rolls.... YUM YUM to my TUM.

Aunt Beck, Carter, and Poppie taking a boat ride on the catfishing boat.

Maz and Carter taking one of their MANY golf cart rides.

Check out this monster catfish that Daddy and James caught! They had a great time fishing and had lots of luck too!

L-R, Uncle James, Mom, Aunt Beck, and Daddy! What a fun trip we had!!!
After Beck and James headed back to TN, we hung out for the remainder of the day considering it's only a 15 minute ride back home...

We caught about 30 fish in just a few hours off the dock...

We rigged up a small fishing pole for Carter and boy did he think he was the stuff!!!

What a doll!!!!

Having a blast!!!

Teaching him how to cast...

Daddy got in on the fun too!

Mazzie loves her Carter!


I took this past Monday off, and with Graham being laid off, we set out on a venture to the great city of Marietta! haha! We planned on taking the day and just enjoying our baby boy and having a fun family day!!! Our first destination: CHUCK E. CHEESE. This was Carter's first trip to the wonderful world of a Mouse and tons of games! I don't know who had more fun however, Carter or his father!!! haha! Graham LOVED playing with all the arcade games! haha! He is such an overgrown child! Once we left Chuck E Cheese, we went to Old Navy to buy Carter some beach clothes for our trip that we are anticipating greatly (yea-2 weeks away!!!). Next, we headed to Dick's sporting goods which occupied a good hour of our time exploring all the goods for the great outdoors. Our last stop was the "oh-so-yummy" Joe's Crab Shack. We had a GREAT family day and I wouldn't take anything for it! Carter was knocked out before we ever hit the interstate to head home, and when we did arrive home, he didn't even open his eyes....we just put him right to sleep and he sleep until the next morning!!! Needless to say, we had a big exciting day for the little one!!!

Carter and his daddy driving a play train! Aren't they adorable?

Carter riding the big monster truck!

Of corse we had to check out Chuck E Cheese while he was singing a song... Look at the bottom of the picture and you will see our little one checking him out! Carter kept looking back and saying "Momma, Mouse...." while he pointing at "Chuck".

As soon as we arrived, Carter ran to the first driving game he could find. And, that is pretty much where he stayed... He loved the games with a steering wheel... And, the best part: it was free for Carter to play because in his sweet little mind, he was playing regardless of whether or not a token had been inserted into the game!!! Just precious!!!

Another morning at the park!!!

Many Saturdays have arrived where we have enjoyed a great breakfast at Chic-Fil-A and then headed to Ridge Ferry Park to burn an hour or so before getting started with our typical Saturday activities! A couple of weeks ago, the guys were on a camping trip and Carter got to enjoy breakfast with his Mommy, Nana, and Mazzie! We had a very nice time at Chic-Fil-A, and afterwards, Nana headed to work, and the rest of us headed to the playground for lots of fun!!!

Carter and I walking towards the playground...

Of corse, I had to join in on the fun and ride the neat teeter totters!!!

Mommy and Carter smiling for the camera as they cross a bridge to head towards the slide!!!

Isn't he a need of a haircut? haha!

Notice I was having to hold him back for a photo-op. He was dying to get down that slide!

Mazzie and Carter on the viewing deck over looking the river.

Carter and I playing Hide-and-seek in the viewing deck! He thought this was HILARIOUS!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Relay For Life

Every year, since my dear Gran (the GREATEST woman that I have ever been blessed enough to know) was diagnosed with "The Big Dreadful C", we have faithfully attended the relay for life at Ridge Ferry Park. Giving of our own small efforts to hopefully contribute to finding a cure for this disease so that no one else has to experience the pain that Gran or our family endured. This year, well, it was no exception. We loaded Carter up in his stroller and hit the park for an evening of fun things to do, and to shed a few tears as well.

This post is for you, Gran. I love you more than you will ever know, and miss you daily! To only feel your loving bear hug wrapped around me one more time...
Patricia "Gran" Smith
A loving Daughter, Wife, Mother, Grandmother, and Friend
You are greatly missed!

So, our night began with making rounds around the track, enjoying cotton candy, hotdogs, boiled peanuts, and enjoying all the activities. There was dancing, music from Mom's friend at work, and so much fun to be had! We ran into several friends that we enjoyed visiting with as well. We found excitement in finding Gran's luminaries, but it also brought heartache to know she couldn't be here with us to enjoy the fun as a SURVIVOR! Enjoy the pictures and the captions below! And, for years to come...wherever you may be, we encourage you to look up your local Relay for Life event and support the cause!!!

Carter enjoying a cracker in his stroller!

Watching the "Dixie Stompers" perform their dance routines.

Carter and Mazzie hanging out with the chic-fil-a cow...Cart wasn't too sure about it, so Maz had to accompany him to visit the cow.

Mom and her WONDERFUL friends!!! They are SUCH a close group of gals!!!

WE FOUND EMMA!!! Emma rode up on her Diva Mobile...

Carter decided to give the Diva Mobile a try...

Me and one of my bestest and Carter and one of his....Candi and Emma!!!

I thought this picture of Emma was HILARIOUS! I say the caption to this pic should be "suckaaaaaaa"

Miss Candi taking Carter for a ride!

She's just the coolest friend ever!!!!

Emma let Carter have a pair of her SOOOO cool glasses too! Thanks Em!!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

To GOD be all the Glory!!! HE HAS RISEN!!!!

Thank you lord for the cross. Thank you for what happened in the tomb so many days ago. Thank you for my salvation and the blessings that are bestowed upon myself and my family!!! What a WONDERFUL and EXCITING Easter weekend we had! We are SOOOOO incredibly blessed. The weather was beautiful. We are so thankful and give God all the glory of SUCH a great time!!!

This Easter was Carters first Easter that he could really get into it! He had lots of fun hunting eggs and finding all of his surprises that the Easter Bunny had left for him! He's a spoiled and blessed little boy! But, no one has received a greater blessing than I... To have SUCH A WONDERFUL SON to share and shower my love with!

On Saturday, before Easter, we definitely had an exciting day planned. We visited Ridge Ferry Park for the Easter Egg Hunt and the Easter Bunny flew in on a helicopter! Carter absolutely LOVED it due to his new found excitement of planes and helicopters!!! That afternoon, after an attempt at a quick nap, we visited our church for the church-wide picnic and egg hunt! He really had lots of fun there playing with friends, picking up TONS of eggs, and visiting with fellow church members.

Playing with some toys on our blanket at Ridge Ferry, waiting on the Easter Bunny!

Isn't he a doll in his sunglasses? He did that himself.

My love and I!!!

Mazzie bought him a "leash" for Easter that is so adorable! Carter actually loves it and it is so much easier for me! It gives me a sense of calmness knowing that he's right beside me!

At the egg hunt at church. He loves all the unique eggs that we found!

Mazzie had to grab a picture with Carter!

My love and I waiting for the Easter Egg hunt!

Hunting more eggs at church! There were eggs EVERYWHERE!

He was so excited to throw them in the basket!

Mommy and Emily pushing their babies, Carter and Addison!

He had so much fun swinging with friends!
So, Sunday morning brought MUCH excitement!!! The EASTER BUNNY visited Carter and he and I headed to church...his daddy had severe bronchittis so he wasn't able to do much with us to celebrate the occasion. Carter was very overwhelmed by all the exciting things that EB left for him! He is a rotten little boy as you can see... He was graced with a new comforter for his big boy bed, a mini basketball goal for his room, an Easter bunny Mickey Mouse, Elmos radio with microphone, several books, new mickey mouse dishes, lots of candy, several small toys, socks, and so much more!!!

Was it Easter or Christmas? I think I got confused....He's SO spoiled!

Checking out his loot!!!

Once he had checked it all out, he posed for a picture!
So my little prince charming turned into a pimp when it came time for church. His Easter outfit was ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE! I know all of you mom's out there will disagree with me, but he was DEFINITELY the cutest kid I have ever seen on Easter! He had SO many comments and compliments on his outfit!

My love hunting eggs after Easter lunch!

Is he adorable or WHAT!!!

HE FOUND ONE!!! About to take off running to put it in his basket...

Checking out the confetti inside one of the too neat confetti eggs...

Unkie helped him find eggs since his daddy wasn't feeling well.

Taking a break from hunting, and cruising in his Cozy Coup!
As we follow tradition, the "adult-kids" had an Easter egg hunt! Notice Unkie has a funny look on his face and me and Jen are grinning ear to ear... Well, there is a reason for that! We stomped his butt! haha! Jen found by far the most eggs, winning her the award for "Easter Egg Hunt Champ", while I found the prize egg with $10.00, winning the award for "prize egg"!!! Chad....well, he received the easter egg award for "egg-stra special hunter" haha! How much fun we had!!!!!!

Later, off to Nana and Papa's we headed for yet ANOTHER Easter Egg hunt and visits with the Nash family. We had super fun there and played in the beautiful sun in the backyard.

Cousins Cam and Coop looking adorable!

Carter, Cam, and Coop chasing bubbles...a gift from Nana and Papa.